Is "X" in quadratic function "y = a (X-H) & #" a straight line x? In other words, is the value of "X" in the quadratic function "y = a (X-H) & #" equal to the value of the straight line x?

Is "X" in quadratic function "y = a (X-H) & #" a straight line x? In other words, is the value of "X" in the quadratic function "y = a (X-H) & #" equal to the value of the straight line x?

The "X" in the quadratic function "y = a (X-H) &#" represents the value of the independent variable, not the straight line

The following statement is wrong ()
A. In the quadratic function y = 3x2, when x > 0, y increases with the increase of X. B. in the quadratic function y = - 6x2, when x = 0, y has the maximum value 0C. In the parabola y = AX2 (a ≠ 0), the larger a is, the smaller the opening of the image is, and the larger a is. D. whether a is positive or negative, the vertex of the parabola y = AX2 (a ≠ 0) must be the coordinate origin

A. In the quadratic function y = 3x2, when x > 0, y increases with the increase of X, which is not in line with the meaning of the problem; B, in the quadratic function y = - 6x2, when x = 0, y has the maximum value of 0, which is not in line with the meaning of the problem; C, in the parabola y = AX2 (a ≠ 0), the larger | a | is, the smaller the image opening is, and the smaller | a | is, the larger the image opening is, which is not in line with the meaning of the problem; D, whether a is positive or negative The vertex of parabola y = AX2 (a ≠ 0) must be the origin of coordinate

When the polynomial - 5x & # 179; - (m-1) x & # 178; + (2-N) X-1 does not contain binomial and linear terms about X, the value of M, n is obtained

If there is no quadratic term, then M-1 = 0, M = 1
If there is no linear term, then 2-N = 0, n = 2