3-7 / 5x = 1 and 3 / 5 To solve the equation, do it with the method of removing the denominator

3-7 / 5x = 1 and 3 / 5 To solve the equation, do it with the method of removing the denominator

3-7 / 5 x = 1 and 3 / 5 times 35
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5x-5 times 1 / 2 = 0

Pay attention to multiply. Not multiply. It's easy to make mistakes
5x-5 times 1 / 2 = 4 / 5
25x-25 = 8 (multiply both sides by 10 to reduce the fraction)

Find the maximum value of y = 5x ^ 2 (1-x) (0 < x < 1)

The cube root of [x * x * (2-2x)]