Six cuboid cartons with 50 cm long edges are stacked in the corner. How many square meters is the exposed area?

Six cuboid cartons with 50 cm long edges are stacked in the corner. How many square meters is the exposed area?

There are 12 sides exposed, and the top, a total of 13 squares: 13x50x50 = 32500 square centimeters = 3.25 square meters

There are five square cartons with 40 cm long edges on the corner. How many sides are exposed? How many square centimeters is the total area exposed?

There are 10 faces out there
The exposed area is 40 × 40 × 10 = 16000 square centimeters

Four 60 cm cube cartons are placed in the corner of the wall. How many sides are exposed? What is the area of exposed square centimeter

There are 9 surfaces exposed, and the exposed area is 60 * 60 * 9 = 32400 square centimeters