Let n-order matrix be an example of linear algebra A=(1 b .b) (b b .b) b 1 .b b b .b ..........= ..........+(1-b)E b b b 1 b b b b Find the eigenvalue and eigenvector of A

Let n-order matrix be an example of linear algebra A=(1 b .b) (b b .b) b 1 .b b b .b ..........= ..........+(1-b)E b b b 1 b b b b Find the eigenvalue and eigenvector of A

Obviously, the sum of elements in each row and column of | a - λ e | is equal, so you can add the rest columns to the first column, extract the common factor, and then convert it into upper triangular determinant. The eigenvalue is 1 + B (n-1) and N-1 1 1-B, 1 + B (n-1). The corresponding eigenvector is K (1,1,..., 1) ', K is a real number

Linear algebra inside the algebraic cofactor how to find, do not 2-order matrix, I want to know how to find n-order matrix

It should be called the algebraic cofactor of the determinant of order n corresponding to the matrix of order n
Let a be a determinant of order n to find the algebraic cofactor of AIJ
1. The value of the new determinant obtained by removing the i-th row and j-th column of the determinant is the remainder of AIJ, which is recorded as mij
2. Mij is multiplied by (- 1) ^ (I + J) to obtain the algebraic cofactor of AIJ, denoted as AIJ
Aij=[ (-1)^(i+j) ] * Mij

Let a be a third-order matrix and | a | = 6. If an eigenvalue of a is 2, then a * must have an eigenvalue of?


Find all matrices commutative with matrix A? | 0 1 0 | a = | 0 01 | 0 00|
Question 8

The expansion formula of the third order matrix
Mom is in urgent need~~~~~~~~

The determinant of the third order matrix is
|a11 a12 a13|
|a21 a22 a23|
|a31 a32 a33|

How to use matlab to realize this simple matrix operation
How to make each element of each column subtract the average value of the column, and then sum each element of the column, for example, the matrix is b = [1, 2, 3]
4 4 6
7 6 9]
The result should be equal to ans = [0]

Any matrix after the above operation is [0,0,..., 0], you directly generate N zeros on the line, there is no need to toss

Calculation of MATLAB matrix
How to calculate every element of a m × n matrix according to a function f (x) to get a new matrix
For example, a is the original matrix, and a (1,1) gets B (1,1) after the calculation of function f (x). How to find this B?

Just add a dot after a to represent the operation of each element, not the matrix operation~
Suppose f (x) = x ^ 2
>> A=[1 2 ;3 4]
A =
1 2
3 4
>> B=A.^2
B =
1 4
9 16
I don't know if you mean that, hehe~

Decimal calculation is the same as integer calculation, and the digits should be aligned,

Add, subtract, align decimal points
Multiplication is not necessary
Division first expands the divisor to an integer. How many times does the divisor expand, so does the divisor
Multiplication should be aligned with the last decimal place. If there are several decimal places in the two factors, how many decimal places will the decimal point of the product be moved to the left

What is the law of addition and subtraction of decimals?

The rest are similar to integers: start from the right, add every decimal one, subtract less than one, back to the left

Give me the number of decimal addition and subtraction
