What are the naming rules of variables and constants? What are the camel naming methods? What are the keywords that define variable constants?

What are the naming rules of variables and constants? What are the camel naming methods? What are the keywords that define variable constants?

Camel command method, as its name indicates, refers to the mixed use of case letters to form the names of variables and functions;
Defining the keywords of variable constants depends on the language used

Explain the meaning of the words in brackets,
Ribbon Dance
Fly without wings
Water wheel (salary)

Jin: J ī n [name] (pictophonetic, Congyi, Jingsheng. Original meaning: refers to the collar of ancient clothes)
Wings: Wings
Salary: firewood

Explain the meaning of the words in brackets
(number) not fresh:
Waist entanglement (Guan)
Party A:
The solution (capsule) helps:

1, many times
2. Words indicating the amount of money
3, number one
4. Wallet