In PID algorithm, what is the relationship between integral time, differential time, integral time constant and differential time constant

In PID algorithm, what is the relationship between integral time, differential time, integral time constant and differential time constant

In the integral time, a special time is called the integral time constant. Then the integral time can be K times of the integral time constant. For the relationship between the differential time and the differential time constant, please refer to the above statement

As shown in the figure, the parallel metal plates a and B with the same amount of heterogeneous charges are in a uniform magnetic field, the magnetic induction B is perpendicular to the paper & nbsp; & nbsp; face inward, and the charged particles regardless of gravity are perpendicular to the electromagnetic field along the OO 'direction from the left side, and the kinetic energy is smaller when they shoot out of the area between plates a and B from the right side
A. Appropriately increase the voltage between the metal plates B. appropriately increase the distance between the metal plates C. appropriately reduce the magnetic induction between the metal plates D. make the electrical properties of charged particles opposite

A. It can be seen from the title that when "the kinetic energy of the region between a and B plates on the right side is smaller than the incident energy", it means that "the electric field force does negative work on particles". The electric field force is less than the magnetic field force. QE < QVB, then E < VB. Now, to "the kinetic energy of the region between a and B plates is greater than the incident energy", it means that "the electric field force does positive work on particles". The electric field force is greater than the magnetic field force= Therefore, AC is correct. B. It can be seen from the above that the electric field strength can be enhanced only by "reducing the distance" E = UD, resulting in the electric field force being greater than the magnetic field force. Therefore, B is wrong. D. according to the left-handed rule, the electric field force on the positive charge is in the same direction as the electric field strength, and the direction of the negative charge is opposite to the electric field strength There are: the size of electric field force has nothing to do with "particle electricity", so D is wrong; AC is selected

Problems of physical electromagnetic field
As shown in the figure, the insulating inclined plane with an inclination angle of θ has a uniform electric field horizontally to the right. The electric field strength is e. an object with a charge quantity of + Q and a mass of M slides upward from the a-end at the initial velocity V, and can move uniformly along the inclined plane. The dynamic friction coefficient of the object can be calculated

For the force analysis of the object m, take the inclined plane as the X axis, and establish the rectangular coordinate system (force analysis diagram, unable to draw, sorry)
Because the body moves at a constant speed, the equilibrium condition is as follows
From the above three formulas, it can be concluded that:

What does D stand for in the section of physical electromagnetic field?

In isotropic homogeneous medium, D is the product of dielectric constant and electric field strength

When the particle with mass m and charge q moves in a uniform magnetic field with magnetic induction B, the circular radius r indicates that the current intensity of the ring current formed by the movement of the charged particle is___ .

In the magnetic field, the particle moves in a circle at a constant speed. If bqv = mv2r, then v = bqrm and V = 2 π RT, the solution is t = 2 π MBq, so I = QT = q2b2 π M. so the answer is: q2b2 π M

Isn't f (x) DX the original function of a function? How can it be interpreted as differential? I remember differential is derivative. Isn't that the reverse?

It's differential. If you want to find the original function of a function, you need to add an indefinite integral sign before the formula you said
We also think that differential is derivative

Can DX be regarded as a denominator when deriving a function of one variable
For the univariate function y = f (x), the derivative can be expressed as dy / DX, and the definition of derivative is that when △ x tends to 0, f (x + △ x) - f (x) / △ x, Dy should be a very small y, and the molecule f (x + △ x) - f (x) is also very small, DX is also a very small, is a very small
Does it mean delta x? It is said in the book that "dy / DX is just a sign of differential, when used, DX can be used as denominator", so it does not mean fraction itself? Or is it just a coincidence?

After defining the concept of differential, according to the relationship between differential and derivative, derivative is indeed the quotient of differential. That is dy / DX, we can see the component formula. When x is an independent variable, DX = △ x, and when x is not an independent variable, DX is not equal to △ X

Let y = E & # 178; sin2x find y, E & # 178; in which 2 is changed to - x, who can help


- ∫(0->π/2) (1+cosx)²sin³x(1+2cosx)dx

∫(0->π/2) (1+cosx)²sin³x(1+2cosx)dx
=∫(0->π/2) (1+2cosx+cos^2(x))sin³x(1+2cosx)dx
=∫(0->π/2) (1+2cosx+cos^2(x)+2cosx+4cos^2(x)+2cos^3(x))sin³xdx
=∫(0->π/2) [1+4cosx+5cos^2(x)+2cos^3(x)]sin³xdx
=∫(0->π/2) sin³xdx+4∫(0->π/2)cosxsin³xdx+5∫(0->π/2)cos^2(x)sin³xdx+2∫(0->π/2)cos^3(x)sin³xdx

The difference between D and DX

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