|Analysis of 2x-1 | + | X-2 | = | x + 1 |, asking for the help of the great God When the answer is 1 / 2 ≤ x ≤ 2, there are countless solutions to be solved

|Analysis of 2x-1 | + | X-2 | = | x + 1 |, asking for the help of the great God When the answer is 1 / 2 ≤ x ≤ 2, there are countless solutions to be solved

If x > 2, then 2x-1 + X + 2 = x + 1, x = 0 (rounding off) if 1 / 2 ≤ x ≤ 2, then constant holds. If - 1 < x < 1 / 2, then 1-2x + 2-x = x + 1, x = 1 / 2 (rounding off) if x ≤ - 1, 1-2x + 2-x = - X-1, x = 2 (rounding off), so the answer is 1 / 2 ≤ x ≤ 2. It takes a lot of time to choose me. Ask: it's very difficult? It's time to practice your brain

If 2 | 3x-1 | - 4 = 0, then x =?

2 | 3x-1 | - 4 = 0 | 3x-1 | = 2 so 3x-1 = 2 or 3x-1 = - 2 so x = 1 or x = - 1 / 3

1. When x = (), the square of (x + 2) + 2005 has the most () value
2. The quintic power of myopia 3.10 * 10 is accurate to (), the significant number is () 32400 accurate to (), the significant number is (). 42715 accurate to hundreds, the quartic power of (). 5.123.45 * 10, which is expressed as () by scientific notation, and it is accurate to (), If accurate to ten thousand is (). 6. Myopia 2004.35 accurate to ten is (); accurate to hundred is (); accurate to thousand is (); keep a significant number is (). 7.75449 accurate to hundred is (), there are () significant numbers. 8. Myopia 1.5 and 1.50 which is closer to its accurate value?

1 x = - 2 small 23,1,03,4 272,5 1.2345 × 10 of the sixth power, 123 × 10 of the sixth power, 62.00 × 10 of the third power, 2.0 × 10 of the third power, 2x10 of the third power, 7.54 × 10 of the fourth power, 58.50
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