Between 1:20 and 2:10, the minute hand of the clock rotates () degrees

Between 1:20 and 2:10, the minute hand of the clock rotates () degrees

It took 50 minutes from 1:20 to 2:10
360 × 50÷60 = 300
So between 1:20 and 2:10, the minute hand of the clock rotates (300) degrees

The time indicated by the clock at that time was 14 o'clock, and the number of cycles of minute hand rotation was calculated. The minute hand rotated for 2010 cycles. At this time, when was the time indicated by the clock?

First of all, 1 hour = 60 minutes, 1 day = 24 hours
Therefore, every turn of the minute hand adds an hour. So after the 2010 turn, 2010 divided by 24 = 83 days and 18 hours
That is, 83 days and 18 hours have passed since the minute hand turns 2010
14 + 18-24 = 8 hours, indicating 8 hours