An applied problem about distance, time and speed A and B two cars from 380 km away from each other, meet on the way, known a and B two car speed ratio is 4:3, meet time ratio is 5:6, meet a and B two car each line how many kilometers

An applied problem about distance, time and speed A and B two cars from 380 km away from each other, meet on the way, known a and B two car speed ratio is 4:3, meet time ratio is 5:6, meet a and B two car each line how many kilometers

Suppose the speed of car a and car B is 4x and 3x, and the time for meeting is 5T and 6T
The solution is XT = 10
Therefore, a marched 20XT = 20 * 10 = 200m
B: 18xt = 18 * 10 = 180m