Happy every day in the fourth grade of primary school Tell your mom and dad the story, and then briefly write the content of the story

Happy every day in the fourth grade of primary school Tell your mom and dad the story, and then briefly write the content of the story

Have you ever seen a story in Grimm's fairy tales? There is an old grandfather, who is very old. His hands always tremble when he eats. He can't hold the bowl. Every time he sprinkles the soup on the tablecloth, and sometimes he breaks the bowl. So his son and daughter-in-law hate him, so they make a wooden bowl for him and drive him to

This is a picture composition topic. The assignment is to write a small screenwriter according to the picture. The first picture shows a pig seeing a ball in a tree
In the second picture, the pig invites the elephant. The elephant wraps its long nose around the tree trunk. The third picture shows the lamb with a saw. The fourth picture shows a hippo
The yawn ball fell.
Name the story and make up the plot

No matter how impatient uncle is, he throws the ball around the tree

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