About 50 words about autumn weather in Guangzhou

About 50 words about autumn weather in Guangzhou

The fall of Guangzhou, the same footsteps, I could react, she had only a hazy figure and drag on the ground often figure. That day, I feel the autumn in the overpass. Guangzhou because the causes of c...

An English composition describing the weather
Junior one level

The weather is a set of all the phenomena in a given atmosphere at a given time.It also includes interactions with the hydrosphere.The term usually refers to the activity of these phenomena over short...

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Weather forecast
  Weather forecasts are of great help to us. In rural areas, farmers Wshow much concern about the weather. They want to know when it will rain, when it will snow and whether their crops may be injured by frost or hail. Usually the weather forecasts can help them to learn the information they need bef. rehand and enable them to avoid heavy losses. In cities, people benefit from weather forecasts. They will early umbrellas or raincoats with them as they go to work or to school. They will change their clothes when weather changes. And weather forecasts mean even more to pilots of airplanes, drivers of cars, captains of ships and military leaders.
  Usually weather forecasts are correct, and therefore they enjoy the trust of most people. But weather is affected by a lot of factors and is very hard to be forecast very exactly each time.
  We are grateful to those who let us know the weather in advance, for they work day and night to collect and analyze various data. Some of them have to do their job at observation posts in high mountains in terrible surroundings for working and living.