1. The greatest common divisor of the following groups is determined by the method of factorization 48 and 54 32 and 96 120, 180 and 210 2. The multiple of M is----- The multiple of 5m is---- The common multiple of M and 5m is---- The least common multiple of M and 5m is---- 3. There is a box full of 50 cents coins. If 20, 25 or 30 coins can be divided in a pile, how many yuan does the box have at least? 4. The length is 36 cm, the width is 24 cm rectangle, if wants to divide into the area equal small square 1. How long is the longest side of such a square? 2. What is the maximum area of such a square? 3. How many squares can be divided into?

1. The greatest common divisor of the following groups is determined by the method of factorization 48 and 54 32 and 96 120, 180 and 210 2. The multiple of M is----- The multiple of 5m is---- The common multiple of M and 5m is---- The least common multiple of M and 5m is---- 3. There is a box full of 50 cents coins. If 20, 25 or 30 coins can be divided in a pile, how many yuan does the box have at least? 4. The length is 36 cm, the width is 24 cm rectangle, if wants to divide into the area equal small square 1. How long is the longest side of such a square? 2. What is the maximum area of such a square? 3. How many squares can be divided into?

1. In this paper, the greatest common divisor of the following groups of numbers is determined by the method of factorization. 48 and 5448 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 354 = 2 × 3 × 3, the greatest common divisor = 2 × 3 = 632 and 9632 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 296 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3, the greatest common divisor = 2 × 2 × 2 = 16120, 180 and 210120 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 5180 = 2 × 2

Blind people and blind horses, thousands of troops and thousands of horses have made great contributions to the success of the project
Ten thousand horses galloping, one horse riding flat
The terrain is flat
Great momentum and credit
Fast up speed up independent action
It's very dangerous to be in the forefront
A lot of people

MaPingChuan (flat terrain)
A cursory view
Great momentum
Credit for (credit for)
Speed up
Act alone
Take the lead
It's very dangerous
A large army
Just walk around

The fifth grade winter vacation life p23 application questions
There are 12 soldiers guarding a border station, and three soldiers are sent to stand guard every hour in turn, 24 hours a day. How many hours does each soldier stand guard on average
One day, a grain batch division sells 700 bags of rice in the morning and 300 bags of the same rice in the afternoon. It sells 4000 kg more in the morning than in the afternoon. How many kg of rice are sold in the morning and afternoon

The second question: first find out "1": 12 △ 3 = 4 (Group) there are four groups like this, then find each group: 24 △ 4 = 6 (hours) this is a group, and then with each soldier, (there are three people in each group) 6 △ 3 = 2 (hours) a: every soldier stands guard for 2 hours on average