The sum of number a and number B is 210, and 13 of number a is equal to 14 of number B?

The sum of number a and number B is 210, and 13 of number a is equal to 14 of number B?

A: B = 14:13 = 3:4; a: 210 × 33 + 4 = 210 × 37 = 90; B: 210-90 = 120

People's education press sixth grade mathematics classic questions
There should be solutions
For junior high school

1. A whale is 12 meters long, and its head accounts for 1 / 5 of the total length. How long is the head of this whale? 12 × 1 / 5 = 2.4 meters. 2. The fertilizer plant was expanded last year, and the planned investment is 1 million yuan. The actual investment is 1 / 5 more than the plan. How much is the actual investment? 100 × 6 / 5 = 1.2 million yuan

People's education press of classical mathematics topics for Grade 6 of primary school
Because the grade is too low, so can only give 5 points
Please help out 5 questions, to have the answer, thank you!

One wire is 3 meters long. The first cut is 1 / 6 meter, and the second cut is 1 / 6 of the total length. How many meters are left? How many meters are used?
There are 18 spiders, dragonflies and cicadas, with 20 pairs of wings and 116 legs. How many of them are there? (spiders have no wings, 8 legs; dragonflies have two pairs of wings, 6 legs; cicadas have one pair of wings, 6 legs)
There are two baskets of apples. The first basket weighs 80 kg. If 1 / 5 of the first basket is taken out and put into the second basket, the two baskets are equal in weight. How many kg is the second basket?
The bottom radius of a cone is two-thirds of that of a cylinder. The volume of the cylinder is three-quarters of that of the cone. What is the height of the cylinder?
In a parking lot, there are 12 cars and motorcycles with 34 wheels. Each car has 4 wheels and each motorcycle has 2 wheels. How many cars and motorcycles are there in the parking lot?
I don't want to fight