There are chickens and rabbits in the cage. Count their feet. There are 20 chickens and 8 heads in total. How many chickens and rabbits do you have? Using the equation

There are chickens and rabbits in the cage. Count their feet. There are 20 chickens and 8 heads in total. How many chickens and rabbits do you have? Using the equation

All chickens have 16 feet
The extra four feet are rabbit's, including 2 rabbits and 6 chickens
Formula: 2x8 = 16
Equation method
Suppose chicken x, then rabbit is 8-x
The solution is x = 6

There are several chickens and rabbits in the cage. Counting from the top, there are eight heads and counting from the bottom, there are 26 feet. How many chickens and rabbits are there?

Suppose all chickens, rabbits: (26-2 × 8) / (4-2) = 10 / 2 = 5, chickens: 8-5 = 3; answer: there are 3 chickens and 5 rabbits

There are several chickens and rabbits in the cage. There are 46 heads from the top and 128 feet from the bottom. How many chickens and rabbits are there in the cage

Method 1: suppose all chickens, then rabbits have: (128-46 × 2) / (4-2), = 36 △ 2, = 18 (chickens), then chickens have: 46-18 = 28 (chickens). Method 2: suppose x chickens, then rabbits have 46-x, according to the equation: 2x + (46-x) × 4 = 128, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 2x-4x + 184