In the calculation of a problem, the divisor 65 is regarded as 56. The result shows that the quotient is 13 and the remainder is 52. What is the correct quotient?

In the calculation of a problem, the divisor 65 is regarded as 56. The result shows that the quotient is 13 and the remainder is 52. What is the correct quotient?

56 × 13 + 52 = 728 + 52 = 780780 780 △ 65 = 12; a: the correct quotient is 12

We need to paint an auditorium, which is 24m long, 10m wide and 5m wide. After deducting the area of doors and windows of 64 square meters, if we need 5 yuan per square meter for painting, how much is it for painting the walls around the auditorium?

The total price of the paint used for the surrounding walls = (the area of the surrounding walls - the area of the doors and windows) * 5
If the auditorium is regarded as a cuboid paper box, the expanded view of the surrounding walls is a rectangle. The length of the rectangle is the perimeter of the ground, and the width is the height
So the area of the walls around is
=238 (M2)
The total amount is
=870 yuan

Telephone and life

Find a senior in your school to help do chant, or the beginning of each question into Baidu home page should be OK, a lot of students will not be the subject is so dry, but a little trouble
Of course, you can also borrow the summer homework of students of the same grade for reference
But I still recommend you to do it yourself, even if you only do one problem a day, as long as you have the heart to learn!