There are 32 bottles of 100kg oil. How many large and small oil bottles are there?

There are 32 bottles of 100kg oil. How many large and small oil bottles are there?

Suppose there are x large oil bottles, then there are 32-x small oil bottles. According to the meaning of the question, we can get the following equation: 4x + (32-x) △ 2 = 100, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 4x + 16-0.5x = 100, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3.5x = 84, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp

Premise: 10 points for one correct answer and 6 points for one wrong answer
No. 2 raced to answer 8 questions and scored 64 points. How many questions did he answer correctly?
No. 1 raced to answer 10 questions, and finally scored 36 points. How many questions did he miss?
No. 3 raced to answer 16 questions, and finally scored 16 points. How many questions did he answer correctly?

No. 1 raced to answer 10 questions, and finally scored 36 points. How many questions did he miss? (10 × 10-36) / (10 + 6) = 4? He missed 4 questions. No. 2 raced to answer 8 questions, and finally scored 64 points. How many questions did he answer correctly? (64 + 6 × 8) / (10 + 6) = 7? He answered 7 questions correctly. No. 3 raced to answer 16 questions, and finally scored 16 points

Elementary school grade six volume one mathematics, how to calculate the mathematics wide angle

20 × 2 = 40, 44-40 = 4, 4 △ (4-2) = 2 rabbits, 20-2 = 18 chickens