The classification diagram of counting is real number, integer, natural number, rational number and so on

The classification diagram of counting is real number, integer, natural number, rational number and so on

Real number: including rational number and irrational number,
Rational numbers: including integers, fractions -- irrational numbers: infinite non cyclic decimals
Integers: including positive integers, 0 and negative integers, where (0 and positive integers are natural numbers)
Score: positive and negative

Under a * a + root sign (b-2) = 4a-4, find the value of AB under root sign

Move the term, a square - 4A + 4 = - B-2 under the root sign
The left side of the equation is greater than or equal to zero, and the right side is less than or equal to zero, so both sides are equal to zero, a = 2, B = 2
AB = 2 under root sign

What are the domains of arctan X and Tan x
In radians

The former is all real numbers, and the latter is x, which is not equal to the k-faction + the half faction

Is there any mathematical relationship between Tan X and arctan x, such as reciprocal?

The relationship between inverse functions, which you may not have learned yet, is that X. y is inverse functions of each other

Find the range of F (x) = cosa / radical (1-sin ^ 2a) + radical (1-cos ^ 2a) / Sina TaNx / radical (SEC ^ 2a-1)

Is a x? When f (x) = cosx / radical (1-sin ^ 2x) + radical (1-cos ^ 2x) / SiNx TaNx / radical (SEC ^ 2x-1) = cosx / | cosx | + | SiNx | / SiNx TaNx / | = x ∈ (2k π, 2K π + 0.5 π), when f (x) = 1x ∈ (2k π + 0.5 π, 2K π + π), f (x) = - 1x ∈ (2k π + π, 2K π + 1.5 π)

SEC = - root sign 5. Cosa = 1 / sec = - 5 / sec root sign 5. Excuse me, 1: there is only cos square in the formula, a = 1-sin square. So, where does the denominator 5 in the root sign 5 of 1 / sec come from? XX

Because the definition of SEC is sec = 1 / cos
So cos = 1 / sec
Cos = 1 / sec = 1 / (- radical 5) the rational denominator is the radical 5 of - 5

What's the value of (8 + root 63) + (8 - root 63) under the root sign?

So √ (8 + √ 63) = √ ((3 + √ 7) & # 178 / 2) = (3 + √ 7) / √ 2
Similarly √ (8 - √ 63) = (3 - √ 7) / √ 2

Finding the maximum value of the function f (x) = x-3 radical x + 5 in the domain of definition

F (x) = x-3 √ (x + 5) no negative number under root sign: x + 5 ≥ 0 domain x ≥ - 5F '(x) = 1 - 3 / [2 √ (x + 5)] = {√ (x + 5) - 3 / 2} / √ (x + 5) when x ∈ [- 5, - 11 / 4), f' (x) < 0, f (x) monotonically decreases; when x ∈ (- 11 / 4, + ∞), f '(x) > 0, f (x) monotonically increases

Given that the domain of function y = f (x) is [- 2,2], then the domain of function y = f (root x) is [- 2,2]

The value of X is from - 2 to 2
Then in y = f (radical x), the value of (radical x) is - 2 to 2
And (radical x) > 0
So the value of (radical x) is [0,2]
X value [0,4]

If the domain of the function y = f (x) is [- 2,2], then the domain of the function y = f (root x) is obtained
