The sign expression for oxygen production from potassium permanganate is ______; the sign expression for oxygen production from hydrogen peroxide is ______.

The sign expression for oxygen production from potassium permanganate is ______; the sign expression for oxygen production from hydrogen peroxide is ______.

Potassium permanganate produces potassium manganate, manganese dioxide and oxygen under heating condition. The chemical equation of the reaction is 2KMnO4 △


Hydrogen peroxide is catalyzed by manganese dioxide to form water and oxygen. The chemical equation of the reaction is:2H2O2 MnO2


Therefore, the answer is:2KMnO4 △


K2MnO4+MnO2+O2↑;2H2O2 MnO2



Write a written and symbolic expression about the chemical reaction (3) hydrogen peroxide and manganese dioxide mixed to oxygen (4) potassium permanganate heated to oxygen Write text and symbolic expressions for chemical reactions (3) hydrogen peroxide and manganese dioxide mixed to oxygen (4) potassium permanganate heated to oxygen

Potassium permanganate -(heated) potassium manganate + carbon dioxide + oxygen
KMnO4——(△) K2MnO4+CO2+O2↑
Hydrogen peroxide -(manganese dioxide) water + oxygen
H2O2——(MnO2) H2O+O2↑