How to calculate the negative fifth power mol/L PH with OH-concentration of 10 Minus 14 of 10 divided by minus 5 of 10?

How to calculate the negative fifth power mol/L PH with OH-concentration of 10 Minus 14 of 10 divided by minus 5 of 10?

C (H+)=10^-14/10^-5=10^-9

Chemical equation: sulfuric acid and potassium hydroxide react with nitric acid and calcium hydroxide react with aluminum hydroxide and hydrochloric acid react with calcium hydroxide and sulfuric acid

Reaction of sulfuric acid and potassium hydroxide
Reaction of nitric acid and calcium hydroxide
2HNO3+Ca (OH)2=Ca (NO3)2+2H2O
Reaction of aluminum hydroxide with hydrochloric acid
Al (OH)3+3HCl=AlCl3+3H2O
Reaction of calcium hydroxide with sulfuric acid
Ca (OH)2+H2SO4=CaSO4 2H2O