Science: How many liters of hydrogen and oxygen can be produced in standard conditions by electrolysis of 9 grams of water? Hydrogen density 0.09 Oxygen density 1.43 Thank you

Science: How many liters of hydrogen and oxygen can be produced in standard conditions by electrolysis of 9 grams of water? Hydrogen density 0.09 Oxygen density 1.43 Thank you

2H2O=2H2+02 36 4 32 9G x y can be obtained according to the equivalent relationship: X=1Y=8, and then according to the molar volume of gas, under the standard condition, the volume of any gas of 1MOL is 22.4L. Therefore, V hydrogen=0.5MOL×22.4L=11.2L V oxygen=0.5MOL×0.5×22.4L=5.6L

How many grams of oxygen in 18 grams of water? How many grams of water can be electrolyzed to make 1 gram of hydrogen?