What is the mass of water-forming oxygen and hydrogen, respectively, for electrolysis of 112 g

What is the mass of water-forming oxygen and hydrogen, respectively, for electrolysis of 112 g

Let the mass of generated oxygen be x and the mass of hydrogen be y.
2H2O = Energized = O2↑+2H2↑
36 32 4
112G x y
36/112G =32/x =4/y
X =99.6 g y =12.4 g
Answer: The mass of oxygen produced by electrolysis of 112 g of water is 99.6 g, and the mass of hydrogen produced is 12.4 g

Let the mass of generated oxygen be x and the mass of hydrogen be y.
2H2O = energized = O2↑+2H2↑
36 32 4
112G x y
36/112G =32/x =4/y
X =99.6 g y =12.4 g
Answer: The mass of oxygen produced by electrolysis of 112 g of water is 99.6 g, and the mass of hydrogen produced is 12.4 g

How much hydrogen and oxygen can be produced by electrolysis of 9 g of water under standard conditions (see textbook for density of hydrogen and oxygen)?

If it's just a theory, then forget it.
H2O 18g/mol
Calculate 0.5mol
Chemical equation:2H2O-conditional energization-O2+2H2
H2O: O2: H2
So O2 0.25 Mol
H2 0.5Mol
Calculate the volume;
O2 32G/ mol 0.25mol 8g
H2 2G / mol 0.5mol =1g (you can also subtract O2 above)
Under the standard state (when the air pressure temperature and altitude are both standard)
H2 density 0.0899g/L O2 density 1.429g/L
V = mass/volume
O2: about 5.598L
H2: approx.11.123L