Two identical thin-walled glass tubes are suspended from the spring scale, and the opening is inserted downward into the mercury tank (the nozzle is not in contact with the bottom of the mercury tank). The tube has a length of h1, h2 mercury column (h1F2 B.F1

Two identical thin-walled glass tubes are suspended from the spring scale, and the opening is inserted downward into the mercury tank (the nozzle is not in contact with the bottom of the mercury tank). The tube has a length of h1, h2 mercury column (h1F2 B.F1

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If the entire glass tube is immersed into the silver bath, the mercury density in the silver bath is uniform! So...
If the pressure produced by h1, h2 is less than atmospheric pressure, then capillary phenomenon occurs, and the result is consistent with case 1
If both mercury columns produce more pressure than the atmosphere, the mercury in the glass tube will flow until the two are equal! The results are consistent with Situation I
There's other things I do n' t have to say. Option D.

When the opening of glass tube with uniform thickness at one end is closed and inserted into the mercury tank, the mercury surface in the tube is 40cm higher than that in the tank. The closed end of the tube is maintained. A. The mercury surface in the pipe decreases, and the length of the air column increases B. The height of the mercury surface in the pipe remains unchanged, and the length of the air column in the pipe becomes longer. C. The mercury surface in the pipe rises, and the length of the air column becomes shorter. D. Silver surface in the pipe rises and air column length becomes longer Select C? If the height of the pipe remains unchanged after the pipe is dumped, it means that the pipe needs to be pulled outward. Assuming that the height of mercury is unchanged, as the volume of the air column increases, the pressure decreases, the mercury column rises, and the height increases. According to p0=p1+pgh, p1 decreases, so the air volume increases. What's wrong with my mind? Help me see what's wrong here. The opening of the glass tube with a closed end and a uniform thickness is inserted into the mercury tank in a downward and straight manner. At this time, the mercury surface in the tube is 40cm higher than that in the tank. Now, keep the height of the closed end of the tube unchanged keep the temperature unchanged. The right thing to say is ()

Pipe inclination indicates that the pressure becomes smaller, the pressure becomes smaller, the air column becomes longer, the pressure of the air column becomes smaller, and the pressure of the mercury surface in the pipe becomes smaller, so the mercury surface in the pipe rises