Ammonium ion and aluminum ion react with hydroxide ion, aluminum ion reacts first? Is it because aluminum ions are more oxidizable than ammonium ions? I hope a knowledgeable teacher gives the right answer,

Ammonium ion and aluminum ion react with hydroxide ion, aluminum ion reacts first? Is it because aluminum ions are more oxidizable than ammonium ions? I hope a knowledgeable teacher gives the right answer,

The reaction with hydroxide is not redox, and it has nothing to do with oxidability. The key is to see which product is stable, then this reaction will take place first. For example, even if ammonium reacts first to form ammonia water, but ammonia water will also react with aluminum ion to form aluminum hydroxide precipitation, then the total reaction is aluminum and hydroxide precipitation, and ammonium is equivalent to no reaction.

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1.3[(AlO2)-]+(Fe3+)+6H2O == Fe (OH)3↓+3Al (OH)3↓
2. Generally, the metal property of Na is too strong and it is difficult to make an electrode. If it is necessary to make an electrode, the following reactions occur:
Negative: Na-e = Na+
Positive electrode:2H2O+2e+2NH4+=H2+2NH3·H2O
Main reaction:2Na+2H2O+2NH4+=H2+2NH3·H2O+2Na+