What is the procedure for the double hydrolysis of aluminum metaaluminate ions? Why does not meta-aluminate and hydroxide ions form after hydrolysis of meta-aluminate? Thank you ~

What is the procedure for the double hydrolysis of aluminum metaaluminate ions? Why does not meta-aluminate and hydroxide ions form after hydrolysis of meta-aluminate? Thank you ~

AlO2-+2H2O <==> Al (OH)3+OH-
Al3++3H2O <==> Al (OH)3+3H+
Because OH- and H+ combine, the above two hydrolysates promote each other, resulting in:
3AlO2-+AL3++6H2O=4Al (OH)3 precipitation
Metaluminate is unstable and combines with water to form aluminum hydroxide

What is the surface area of a cuboid made up of three cuboids 2 cm long?

A cuboid of 2*2*(2*3), i.e.2*2*6, with a surface area =2*(2*2+2*6+2*6)=56(cm2)

A cuboid of 2*2*(2*3) or 2*2*6 with a surface area of 2*(2*2+2*6+2*6)=56(cm2)