I don't know how to write when I get hurt. For example, I do n' t know how to write ammonium ions. Can HNO3 go to HCL in one step? How to turn if you can, what to add. CA0 can transform Wei CA (OH)2 I don't know how to write when I get hurt, for example, ammonium ions. I do n' t know whether to add or subtract ions Can HNO3 go to HCL in one step? How to turn if you can, what to add. CA0 can transform WeiCA (OH)2 I don't know how to write when I' m hurt, for example, ammonium ions. I don't know whether to add or subtract ions Can HNO3 go to HCL in one step? How to turn if you can, what to add. CA0 can transform Wei CA (OH)2

I don't know how to write when I get hurt. For example, I do n' t know how to write ammonium ions. Can HNO3 go to HCL in one step? How to turn if you can, what to add. CA0 can transform Wei CA (OH)2 I don't know how to write when I get hurt, for example, ammonium ions. I do n' t know whether to add or subtract ions Can HNO3 go to HCL in one step? How to turn if you can, what to add. CA0 can transform WeiCA (OH)2 I don't know how to write when I' m hurt, for example, ammonium ions. I don't know whether to add or subtract ions Can HNO3 go to HCL in one step? How to turn if you can, what to add. CA0 can transform Wei CA (OH)2

Some common need to remember, it is recommended to touch some related topics, some are not commonly used with chemical valence calculation, usually hydrogen positive 1 valence, oxygen negative 2 valence, carbon can not be said, organic matter in later learning to know

Some commonly used need to remember, it is recommended to touch some related topics, some not commonly used with the valence calculation, usually hydrogen positive 1 valence, oxygen negative 2 valence, carbon can not say, organic matter in later learning to know

Hydroxyl, Carbonate, Ammonium, Sulfate, Phosphate, Nitrate, Sulfite, Hydrogen Carbonate, Compounds Formed with Nano-Ions

Sodium hydroxide NaOH
Sodium carbonate Na2CO3
Ammonium and sodium ions can not form compounds
Sodium sulfate Na2SO4
Sodium phosphate Na3PO4
Sodium nitrate NaNO3
Sodium sulfite Na2SO3
Sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3