If b is a positive number and c is a negative number, then -{ b-c} how to remove the absolute sign and why

If b is a positive number and c is a negative number, then -{ b-c} how to remove the absolute sign and why

B >0, c <0
B-c >0
∴-| B-c|=-- b+c

, A, b is a rational number, and |a+1||2013-b|=0, then b power of a =; 2. If rational numbers a and b are mutually opposite, and c and d are mutually reciprocal, then (a+b) to the power of 2013+(1/c*d) to the power of 2014 3. Use +,-,,÷ or brackets to connect 4,5,-6,10 into an equation, so that the result is 24, then the equation is _____________; 4. If |x|=4,|y|=1/2, and xy is less than 0, then the value of quadratic /y of x is equal to;

, Where a, b are rational numbers, and |a+1||2013-b|=0, then bth power of a =; a+1=0; a=-1;2013-b=0; b=2013; b=-1;2, if rational numbers a, b are mutually opposite, c, d are mutually reciprocal, then 2013 power of (a+b)+(1/c*d)2014 power of a+b=0; cd=1;(a+b)2013 power of +(1/c*d)...