If a, b, c are non-zero rational numbers, and a+b+c=0, ask... a difficult problem, how to do? A, b, c are nonzero rational numbers, and a+b+c=0, find all possible values of a/|a b/|b c/|c abc/|abc| It's so hard, who knows! Teach me,

If a, b, c are non-zero rational numbers, and a+b+c=0, ask... a difficult problem, how to do? A, b, c are nonzero rational numbers, and a+b+c=0, find all possible values of a/|a b/|b c/|c abc/|abc| It's so hard, who knows! Teach me,


Given that a, b, c are nonzero rational numbers, can you find the value of |a|/a+|b|/b+|c|/c? Process of finding Given that a, b, c are nonzero rational numbers, can you find the value of |a|/a+|b|/b+|c|/c? Process of seeking

If all of a, b, c are positive, then |a|/a+|b|/b+|c|/c=1+1+1=3a, b, c is one positive and two negative, then |a|/a+|b|/b+|c|/c=1-1-1=-1a, b, c is two positive and one negative, then |a|/a+|b|/b+|c|/c=1+1-1=1a, b, c is all negative, then |a|/a+|b|/b+|c|/c=-1-1-1=-3...