Formulas of Two Vectors Parallel

Formulas of Two Vectors Parallel

For example, a vector =(b, c) d vector =(e, f)
If a is parallel to b then c is multiplied by e-b by f=0
If a is perpendicular to b, then b is multiplied by e+ c multiplied by f =0

For example, a vector =(b, c) d vector =(e, f)
If a is parallel to b then c is multiplied by e-b by f=0
If a is perpendicular to b, then b multiplied by e + c multiplied by f =0

If two vectors a.b are perpendicular, a (1,2), b (2,4), then what is the formula for vector perpendicular? If two vectors a.b are perpendicular, a (1,2), b (2,4), then what is the formula for a, b vector perpendicular?

Is dot product a.b=0 Note not difference product aXb

Is the dot product a.b=0 Note not the difference product aXb

From A vector perpendicular to B vector, what formula conditions can be obtained.

Is the product of two vectors =0.

Is the number product of two vectors =0

What's the formula for | a vector - b vector |?

Triangle inequality of vector:

The inner vector representation of a triangle plus proof

The vector AB is represented by [AB], and the length of AB is represented by c

[AB] is the vector AB, and c is the length of AB

How to Prove intersection of three center lines of a triangle with a vector How to Prove intersection of three midlines of a triangle with a vector

AD, BE and CF are the three central lines of △ABC. It is proved by the vector method that AD, BE and CF are co-dotted.[ Prove] Let BE and CF with O, and BO=mOE, CO=nOF, where m and n are nonzero real numbers. Then: vector BO=m vector OE, vector CO=n vector OF. vector BC=vector OC-vector OB=vector BO-vector CO=m...

AD, BE and CF are the three central lines of △ABC. It is proved by the vector method that AD, BE and CF are co-dotted.[ Prove] Let BE and CF with O, and BO=mOE, CO=nOF, where m and n are nonzero real numbers. Then: vector BO=m vector OE, vector CO=n vector OF. vector BC=vector OC-vector OB=vector BO-vector CO=m.

AD, BE and CF are the three central lines of △ABC. It is proved by the vector method that AD, BE and CF have the same point.[ Prove] Let BE and CF intersect with O, and BO=mOE, CO=nOF, where m and n are nonzero real numbers. Then: vector BO=m vector OE, vector CO=n vector OF. vector BC=vector OC-vector OB=vector BO-vector CO=m.