I love my Chinese Book composition 600 words! Don't write the content so well, just start and end well!

I love my Chinese Book composition 600 words! Don't write the content so well, just start and end well!

Chinese books are indispensable learning tools in our learning process. They enrich our knowledge and roam in the ocean of knowledge, so I love my Chinese books very much
My Chinese book is a spoiled child. Every semester, I will buy her a beautiful dress to wear, which makes her more dazzling in other Chinese books. However, in order to prevent damage, I specially put on a transparent dress for her. The Chinese book is a cuboid, 26 cm long, 19 cm wide and less than 1 cm thick, which is such a thin book, But it makes us learn too much knowledge
For example, when writing a composition, appropriate rhetorical devices such as metaphor and personification can be used; when learning ancient poetry, the steps are as follows: solving the poem title, knowing the poet, reading the poem, knowing the poetic sentiment, and thinking about the picture; and when learning the ancient prose, you must read more and make clear the meaning of each word; you should also accumulate good words and good sentences, and learn more about ancient poetry; whenever you study a text, you should learn more about it, You can look up some of the background of the times and the author's information, which will be more helpful for learning the text; the writing methods are also different, such as according to the development order of things, the order of changing public affairs according to time, the order of place transformation and flashback
In a word, we must have learned more than these knowledge. If we want to list them one by one, it will not be the end of the day. However, we not only understand the knowledge, but also understand the truth of life
First of all, "nobility" let us know that a man should be willing to help others, kind-hearted, unknown, not pursuing fame and wealth, and do everything down-to-earth. However, "respect ordinary people" tells us a truth: one does not need to be a well-known celebrity and become the object of everyone's pursuit, If a celebrity is the pinnacle of the golden tower, he is the tower body and foundation. From unit 2, "beauty and ugliness", we also know that everyone has his own unique beauty. Don't blindly imitate others, so the effect will be counterproductive. Moreover, don't try to express beauty in an unexpected way, and the beauty of soul is important, Princess Camilla and Prince Simon Don't have beautiful and handsome faces, but God has endowed them with beautiful and pure hearts, which is the most important thing. "The last Qi Qi Qi" also let us know how much harm human beings have caused to animals in an instant, and human beings will only realize their own evil consequences in the end, But it's too late. I also learned from the "earth family" and "war" that we must love peace, and let war never happen to us again. As long as either side takes a step back and the sea is vast, both sides can be liberated, and so many people are not allowed to taste the grief of family destruction and death. Everyone should love their motherland and protect their homeland!
It is such a common Chinese book, but let us feel the joy of knowledge, I love my Chinese book

The book of the future is like this 》Composition 600 words

"Sell the books, sell the books," the owner of the publishing house called out with a loudspeaker on the temporary stage: "there are all kinds of books available here, such as lifting type, broadcasting machine type, folding type, ultra-thin type I'm sure you like it. Come and buy it. If you miss it, you won't have it

"Book, thank you for your help" composition more than 600 words, thank you~~~~~~~

I began to like the book "I love Chinese" when I was very young. It made my life have colorful light. It made my extracurricular knowledge fly freely in the sky. When I met the wind and rain, I didn't give up sex. After so much suffering, I still stood up. My knowledge is like that inconspicuous

350 words about the book

Try my best to read: before, I always hated reading, thought reading was a waste of time, it was not better to go out to work, and was not controlled by the teacher. Several students around me now do not read, in this environment, more aroused my desire - do not read, to work outside! One day after school, I quickly recite

I want a composition about books with no less than 350 words!

Gorky once said: "books are the ladder of human progress." books are not only steps. In my opinion, books are beneficial friends, "reading a good book is equivalent to talking to a noble person"; books are spiritual food. Some people say, "I throw myself on books, just like hungry people on bread." books and I are like relatives and friends. Books are fragrant, with

My story composition with the book is 350 words

Book, what a simple and ordinary eye! However, it occupies a very high position in my mind. In the long river of my memory, there are always "Book Stories" rippling in my mind. I have an indissoluble bond with books. Whenever I hold up a book with a book cover, I can't help thinking of the past Books, for me

I and the story of the composition of the book more than 350 words ah! Don't copy someone else's! Write it yourself!

Book, what a simple and ordinary eye! However, it occupies a very high position in my mind. In the long river of my memory, there are always "Book Stories" rippling in my mind. I have an indissoluble bond with books. Whenever I hold up a book with a book cover, I can't help thinking of the past
Books are so important to me! If I believe that life ranks first, then books must be second only to life. I have cried for books and grieved for books, which may be my attachment to books. Whenever I look at a book "retired", I will feel extremely sad, which is like digging up half of my flesh. I carefully hide the books in the bookcase, I can't bear to dig out my own flesh?
In the second grade of primary school, my brother learned a book for me, and I liked it very much. But because my knowledge was not profound enough, I had to look up a dictionary. One day, I sat on the Bank of a very shallow pool, The setting sun is infinitely beautiful, but I don't care to appreciate it. I still hold the book in my hands. But when I pay attention to look up the dictionary, the precious book slips away and falls into the pool with a sound. For a moment, I feel like a lost animal. I plunge my head into the pool and try to rescue the textbook that has fallen into the water, However, that unfortunate thing happened again. I was not fair to swim. I was not tall enough to walk on the ground. I was struggling in the pool with my book in my arms. Maybe it was the will of God that my eldest brother appeared and I was saved. However, I was beaten and scolded again when I came home. I cried, and my eyes were filled with infinite pain and sorrow, but it was not because of the beating, It's about the unfortunate experience of that book. It's all rotten. When you open the book, you'll see a piece of turbid I cry again. Maybe you will make fun of my behavior, but if you and I feel the same way, I'm afraid you can't help it
Books, my lifelong dream is to have books all over the world. I even dream about it, but maybe it's hard to realize the wish. However, I don't feel despair, because during every spring, summer, autumn and winter, it is books that cultivate my sentiment and accompany me to grow and live. Therefore, I'm very happy. But one thing to remind me is that all of them are healthy and meaningful books!
The story of me and the book
From the first time I saw her, I had an inexplicable feeling in my heart: "she is predestined with me." in the days after that, I tried every means to approach her and try to understand her. After a short time, I gradually found that I had fallen in love with her deeply. Maybe I was tired of the bitter and tasteless ABC, or in order to escape the suffocating x + y, I asked her out again and again, From her fragrant title page, she walks into a strange and fresh world. Her knowledge is so vast and boundless, not for "the house of gold in the book", not for "beauty in the book", not for utility, not for scores, not for diploma, not for education, only for the desire in her heart, only for the pleasant "green space" in her heart, Her words are so philosophical; her eyes are so warm, as if to melt all the frozen heart in the world, her hands are so gentle, as if to heal all the wounds in the world When I was miserable and confused because of failure, she always said to me, "the real light is not that there is no time without darkness, it is just that it will never be covered by darkness; a real hero is not always without inferiority, but is not influenced by it; when you want to defeat an external enemy, you must first defeat your internal enemy, and you do not have to be afraid of falling into depravity, As long as you constantly extricate yourself and renew yourself. "When I am dancing because of my small success, she always says to me," there is a heaven in the sky, there are people outside of the people, and there are strong hands in the strong. The real strong one should not only withstand the test of failure, but also withstand the baptism of sugar coated shells after success. When you are immersed in the sweet happiness of appreciating flowers and appreciating the moon, I'm afraid that others have reached the summit. "When I can't extricate myself from the" slight confusion ", she always said to me:" people will meet a lot of people in their life, some are meteors, some are stars. Meteors are beautiful, but they are ultimately a meteor. The significance of meteors is that they are fleeting in an instant, and the beauty of meteors only comes from an instant, I can only wait for my own star and seize the beauty of this moment, and the pain can only be my own. "When I hesitated and hesitated, she would send such verses as" confident life 200 years, when the water hits 3000 miles ";" the long wind and waves will sometimes, straight up the cloud sail to the sea ";" I smile to the sky from the horizontal knife, leaving the liver and gall two Kunlun " Yes! This is her. No matter it is the boisterous heat wave outside the shade of the tree or the cold wind outside the window, as long as she is with her, she will create a cool and cool place in the heat wave, and give a warmth in the cold. She is a book, and this is the story of me and the book
My story with books
Now looking back, the first book that I met has begun to blur and fade. Although the number of books I have written in recent years is also countless, it still does not have the charm of 360 nights
Before "book"
Grade one - only two ragged, shapeless, unknown books to accompany;
Second grade - all kinds of small picture books and "contemporary primary school students" and so on;
The third grade - the first time I read the "vengeance" which I thought was a long one, and adored the heroine baimaroum;
Fourth grade - read several issues of story telling, a set of 900 Tang poems, and a journey to the west, a journey to the East and a journey to the north
Grade 5 - Volume 16 robot cat, three pieces of seven dragon ball and Versailles rose, Jane Eyre and Muslim funeral
In my father's bookshelf, I read many issues of "talking about the past and the present", "biographies of the top ten generals", "Mr. Liu's case" and "baiyutang" in my father's bookshelf. This summer, I read a lot of books, because I read very fast. What's more, I have a strong attitude towards reading. As long as I have a book, I have to finish it in one day
I and the book
In junior high school, I had heard a lot of horror stories from my sister before. But after I went to junior high school, I felt very general. Except for self-study in the evening, it was no different from that in primary school. I had a lot of time to borrow from teachers and from the school library, Hemingway's "the old man and the sea", Lu Yao's "ordinary world", Maupassant's "one day", Zola's "small hotel" and a whole set of "self painting youth". Every time I read one of them, I felt my ignorance and "ignorance", which made me deeply addicted to the sea of books and never thought of it
I and "book" part 2
On the third day of junior high school, although the homework is very tight, but I also seize the time to read, exchange with classmates, buy by myself, sister library
It's not easy to have a holiday, prepare a good mood, go to the library to select a few favorite books, it seems to be a very good thing!

Xiao Li saved money to buy a set of four encyclopedia knowledge series, the total price was 23.2 yuan. Xiao Li saved enough money to buy books in the bookstore, but happened to meet the sales promotion of the bookstore. The encyclopedia knowledge series sold only 17.4 yuan, and Xiaoli used the remaining money to buy two notebooks

17.4 △ 4 = 4.35 (yuan)
=2.9 yuan
A: the average price of a book is 4.35 yuan, and the price of a notebook is 2.9 yuan

Xiao Li saved money to buy four sets of encyclopedia knowledge series. One set sold for 23.2 yuan. Xiao Li saved enough money to buy books in the bookstore. It happened that the sales of the series were only 17.4 yuan. Xiao Li used the remaining money to buy two notebooks

How much did Xiao Li spend altogether

Xiao Li saved money to buy 4 sets of encyclopedia knowledge series, which cost 23.2 yuan. Xiao Li saved enough money When I went to the bookstore to buy books, I happened to meet the sales promotion of the bookstore. Now the series is only sold for 17.4 yuan. Xiao Li used the remaining money to buy two notebooks Is there a problem-_ -Thank you very much-_- In fact, I only need to think about it, but I don't know who can give me a question and an example to tell my younger sister

Ask the question: how much is each notebook?
Amount of money per notebook = (23.2-17.4) × 2 = 2.9 (yuan)
A: each notebook is 2.9 yuan