What does 1000F mean in the expression? string resultValueString = resultValue.ToString(); if (resultValue == 1000f) { ******} What is the interpretation of "1000F" in the above expression?

What does 1000F mean in the expression? string resultValueString = resultValue.ToString(); if (resultValue == 1000f) { ******} What is the interpretation of "1000F" in the above expression?

F means hexadecimal

What does this mathematical expression mean (2n+1)! What do you mean?

Two exclamation marks mean that the interval between successive multiplication is two, that is, 1 * 3 * 5 * 7 *. * (2 * n + 1)

Max=((a>b?a:b)>c)? (a>b?a:b):c;

If a > b
Return a, otherwise return B
If the first one returns a, it is compared with C
If a > C
Return the value compared in a > b? A: B
Otherwise, return C

expression! x||a==b expression! X|a = = B is equivalent to (d). A. ((x|a) = = b) B. (x|y) = = B C. (x| (a = = b)) D.X) | (a = = b)


What is the physical meaning of divergence and curl?

Divergence describes whether a point in the vector field is divergent or convergent, that is, whether there are more incoming or outgoing vectors in the infinitesimal volume element of this point. Curl describes the rotation degree of the micro element contained in a point in the vector field

Let the function f (x) be continuous on the interval [0,1], and prove that ∫ [∫ f (T) DT] DX = ∫ (1-x) f (x) DX

Just change the integration order
On the left side of the equation, integrate x first and then t, then it is ∫ [∫ f (T) DX] DT. The first integral symbol integral interval is [0,1], and the second integral symbol integral interval is [T, 1]
The result of integrating f (T) with X is f (T) * (1-T). Now it's just about the formula T. replacing T with X does not affect the result of definite integration. After replacement, it is the right side of the original formula