What is d of DQ / DP in the point elasticity formula? Give an example to solve I wipe, the school has nothing to do, regardless of major, let the whole school students learn economics, the teacher's lectures are mosquito like, and what is written in the book is not clear. So I turned to you network experts for help Let's start with an example: Given q = 120-20p, find the price elasticity of demand when p = 2 The answer says Ed = 20x (2 / 80). 80 is the value of Q calculated by substituting into the formula. This is obtained in the first step. What is the previous 20? What is d of DQ / DP? How did DQ and DP come from? I see a question about derivation on the Internet, saying: P '= DP / DQ, why is p' equal to DP / DQ? It is said that it is obtained by differentiating both sides of the equation at the same time, It's unreasonable. If you don't learn advanced mathematics, you can't understand economics at all. Liberal arts majors also let you learn

What is d of DQ / DP in the point elasticity formula? Give an example to solve I wipe, the school has nothing to do, regardless of major, let the whole school students learn economics, the teacher's lectures are mosquito like, and what is written in the book is not clear. So I turned to you network experts for help Let's start with an example: Given q = 120-20p, find the price elasticity of demand when p = 2 The answer says Ed = 20x (2 / 80). 80 is the value of Q calculated by substituting into the formula. This is obtained in the first step. What is the previous 20? What is d of DQ / DP? How did DQ and DP come from? I see a question about derivation on the Internet, saying: P '= DP / DQ, why is p' equal to DP / DQ? It is said that it is obtained by differentiating both sides of the equation at the same time, It's unreasonable. If you don't learn advanced mathematics, you can't understand economics at all. Liberal arts majors also let you learn

D means derivation

What are DQ and DP in this formula of Microeconomics?  

For this question:
DQ represents the change in supply
DP represents the change in price

Some first day calculation questions, give you the answer, let you write the process, please give expert advice (1) 22 + (- 3) + (- 31) + 9 + (- 5) the answer is: - 8 (2) (+ 6) + (- 12) + 8.3 + (- 7.4) + + 9.1) + (- 2.5) the answer is: 1.5 calculation process (3) (- 3 / 5) + (- 1 / 2) + 1 / 4 + (- 7 / 10) the answer is: - 31 / 20 (4) (- 8.25) + 8.75 + (- 5 and 1 / 4) + (- 9 and 1 / 2) the answer is: - 14.25 (5) (- 7.34) + (- 12.74) + 7.34 + 12.4 the answer is: -0.34 (6) (- 2 and 1 / 3) + (+ 3 and 1 / 2) + (- 2 and 2 / 3) + 6 and 1 / 2 + (- 5 and 3 / 4) the answer is; - 3 / 4 find the process (7) (- 1) + - 2) + - 3) + - 4) +... + (- 39) + - 40) the answer is: 20 process Please grandparents, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters come to help, speed! Urgent

(1) 22 + (- 3) + (- 31) + 9 + (- 5) the answer is: - 8 process = 22-3-31 + 9-5 = 22 + 9-3-31-5 = 31-5-3 = - 5-3 = - 8 (2) (+ 6) + (- 12) + 8.3 + (- 7.4) + + 9.1) + (- 2.5) the answer is: 1.5 process = 6-12 + 8.3-7.4 + 9.1-2.5 = - 6 + 8.3 + 9.1-7.4-2.5 = - 6 +

A microeconomic calculation problem Assuming that an industry belongs to monopoly competition industry, in this industry, the long-term total cost function of typical manufacturers is: LTC = 0.0025q ^ 3-0.5q ^ 2 + 384, and its subjective demand function is p = a-0.1q, where a is the function of manufacturers in the industry. Assuming that the whole industry is in long-term equilibrium, find: (1) What is the output of a typical manufacturer? (2) How high is the price of its products? (3) What is the value of a? Er, LTC = 0.0025q ^ 3-0.5q ^ 2 + 384q

How is it you or me O (∩ ∩) o~
Monopolistic and competitive industries are in long-term equilibrium
To meet two conditions LMC = Mr
But I calculate a according to these two formulas. A is a little strange. Can you check whether there is a problem with the data given
Or you can press LMC = Mr
Lac = P, try it out

A microeconomic calculation problem A consumer only consumes consumer goods X and y, and the prices of X and y are 10 yuan and 20 yuan respectively. The utility function of the consumer is u = XY, and he has 400 yuan to be consumed. It is required to calculate the best purchase combination of the consumer

Let the number of X and y be a and B, then:
The next step is to find the maximum value
Let the derivative be zero: 20-a = 0, that is, a = 20 deduces B = 10

A computational problem in microeconomics Jack owns a large toy factory on an isolated island. For most island residents, Jack's factory is the only way to find employment, so Jack's behavior is like a buyer's monopoly. Suppose the supply of toy manufacturers is: l = 80W, where l is the number of labor and W is the hourly wage rate; Jack's labor needs are: l = 400-40mrpl. Q: (1) how many workers will jack hire and pay to maximize profits? (2) If ZF set the minimum hourly wage rate at 4, how many workers would jack hire?

Mrpl is?