Limit problems in Calculus If the limit Lim [sin2x + asinx} / (x ^ 3) exists when x approaches 0, find the limit sum

Limit problems in Calculus If the limit Lim [sin2x + asinx} / (x ^ 3) exists when x approaches 0, find the limit sum

Equivalent Infinitesimal Substitution
Existence limit
Then a = - 2
Limit = - 1

Bored, just ask what is the whole sentence of the famous saying: "random mathematics, random quantum mechanics, quantum mechanics..." (it seems to say calculus later)

Random mathematics random quantum mechanical quantity mechanical real variable function mathematics ten times assembly language will not be compiled

Want to ask: is calculus very useful in mathematics, physics and chemistry? I want to teach myself at the beginning 3 I think the function is very troublesome. It should be helpful to learn calculus by myself

It is very useful to analyze some changing problems in mathematics, but it should be noted that the basis of calculus is function, which is one of several basic concepts of functional calculus. Therefore, if you want to learn calculus by yourself, you need to learn function well first. However, if you have strong understanding ability, you should be able to learn the basic concepts of calculus and calculus of some simple functions (I am also a junior high school student), But be careful to learn it together with other parts, not in isolation. Chemistry is basically useless, unless you learn analytical chemistry or dynamic calculation of reactions in solution. By the way, calculus should try more to feel it

But the teacher said to test Chinese, mathematics, English, things

Different places have different requirements for middle school entrance examination subjects, which should be subject to what the teacher says

Which do you study first, quantum mechanics or relativity Now there is relativity in high school??

Personally, I suggest studying relativity first. Of course, in a narrow sense
Quantum mechanics can understand some basic viewpoints. On the basis of high school, I don't know much about law, so I can only understand it at most
Of course, if the class starts, follow your course schedule
When I was in high school, the last chapter of my textbook was the theory of relativity, but it belonged to the elective content. Everyone didn't manage it and the teacher didn't talk about it. I don't know what's going on now

Quantum mechanics and relativity Please explain from relativity and quantum mechanics: Your future determines your past The profound meaning of this sentence

Quantum mechanics:
There is no material objective reality, but only the reality produced by human existence and observation
That is, there is only reality obtained by human existence and "observation"
The results observed by different observers may not be the same
If we find out the reason from the result, the "future" determines the "past"!