Calculate the volume and surface area formula of all figures

Calculate the volume and surface area formula of all figures

Perimeter of rectangle = (length + width) × 2
Perimeter of square = side length × 4
Area of rectangle = length × width
Area of square = side length × side length
Area of triangle = bottom × height △ 2
Area of parallelogram = base × height
Area of trapezoid = (upper bottom + bottom) × height △ 2
Diameter = radius × 2 radius = diameter △ 2
Circumference of circle = Pi × diameter=
Circumference × radius × 2
The area of a circle = circumference × radius × radius
Surface area of cuboid=
(length × width + length × height + width × height) × 2
Volume of cuboid = length × width × height
The surface area of cube = edge length × edge length × 6
The volume of cube = edge length × edge length × edge length
The side area of the cylinder = perimeter × height of the bottom circle
The surface area of the cylinder = upper and lower bottom surface area + side area
Volume of cylinder = base area × height
Volume of cone = base area × height △ 3
Cuboid (cube, cylinder)
Volume = bottom area × height

Calculation formula of volume and surface area of solid figure Formula for calculating the surface area of sphere, cone, cylinder and cone Be comprehensive He was chosen because there was no good answer

Cubic figure
Name symbol area s and volume V
Cube a - side length s = 6A2
Cuboid a-long
C-high s = 2 (AB + AC + BC)
Prism S-Base area
H-high v = sh
Pyramid S-Base area
H-high v = SH / 3
Frustum S1 and S2 - area of upper and lower bottom
H-high v = h [S1 + S2 + (s1s1) 1 / 2] / 3
Pseudo cylinder S1 - area of the upper bottom
S2 - bottom area
S0 - middle section area
H-high v = H (S1 + S2 + 4s0) / 6
R-base radius of cylinder
Perimeter c-bottom
S bottom bottom area
S side - side area
S surface - surface area C = 2 π R
S base = π R2
S side = Ch
S table = ch + 2S bottom
V = s bottom H
R-radius of hollow cylinder
R - radius of inner circle
H-high v = π H (r2-r2)
R-base radius of straight cone
H-high v = π r2h / 3
R-the radius of the upper bottom of the cone
R - bottom radius
H-high v = π H (R2 + RR + R2) / 3
R-radius of sphere
D - diameter v = 4 / 3 π R3 = π D2 / 6
Short ball H - high ball gap
R-radius of sphere
A-the radius of the spherical defect bottom v = π H (3a2 + H2) / 6
R1 and R2 the radii of the upper and lower bottom of the table
H-high v = π h [3 (R12 + R22) + H2] / 6
R-ring radius
D-ring diameter
R - radius of ring section
D-ring section diameter v = 2 π 2r2
Barrel D - barrel belly diameter
D - bottom diameter of barrel
H-barrel height v = π H (2d2 + D2) / 12
(the generatrix is arc-shaped and the center of the circle is the center of the barrel)
(the generatrix is parabolic)
Length * width * height
Bottom area * height
Bottom area * height / 3
Cube of side length

What is the calculation formula of the volume surface area of high and middle school cone?

1. The circumference of a rectangle = (length + width) × 2 C = (a + b) × 2
2. Circumference of square = side length × 4, C = 4A
3. Area of rectangle = length × width s = ab
4. Area of square = side length × side length s = A.A = a
5. Area of triangle = bottom × height △ 2 s = ah △ 2
6. Area of parallelogram = base × height s = ah
7. Trapezoid area = (upper bottom + bottom) × height △ 2 s = (a + b) H △ 2
8. Diameter = radius × 2 D = 2R radius = diameter △ 2 r = D △ 2
9. Circumference of a circle = circumference × diameter = circumference × radius × 2 C = π d = 2 π R
10. The area of a circle = circumference × radius × radius = π R
11. The surface area of cuboid = (length × width + length × height + width × height) × 2
12. Volume of cuboid = length × width × height v = ABH
13. The surface area of cube = edge length × edge length × 6 s = 6A
14. Volume of cube = edge length × edge length × edge length v = a.a.a = a
15. Side area of cylinder = perimeter of bottom circle × height s = Ch
16. The surface area of the cylinder = upper and lower bottom surface area + side area
S=2πr +2πrh=2π(d÷2) +2π(d÷2)h=2π(C÷2÷π) +Ch
17. Volume of cylinder = bottom area × height v = sh
V=πr h=π(d÷2) h=π(C÷2÷π) h
18. Volume of cone = base area × height △ 3
V=Sh÷3=πr h÷3=π(d÷2) h÷3=π(C÷2÷π) h÷3
19. Volume of cuboid (cube, cylinder) = base area × height v = sh

Calculation formula of surface area and volume of ball

The formula for calculating the surface area of the ball is: the surface area of the ball = 4 π R ^ 2, and R is the radius of the ball
The formula for calculating the volume of the ball is: V ball = (4 / 3) π R ^ 3, R is the radius of the ball

Surface area formula and volume formula of ball

S = 4 * π * r (square)
V = [4 * π * r (cubic)] / 3

Formula for calculating the surface area and volume of a ball?

The accurate formula for calculating the surface area of the ball is: the surface area of the ball is 4 π R ^ 2, R is the radius of the ball, and the formula is unique
The accurate formula for calculating the volume of the ball is: V ball = (4 / 3) π R ^ 3, R is the radius of the ball, and the formula is unique

Find the formula of the surface area and volume of the ball, and calculate the surface area and volume of the earth (the radius of the earth is about 6400km)

The volume of the sphere with radius R is v = 4 / 3 π r?, and the surface area is s = 4 π r? Because the radius of the earth is about 6400 km, (π is approximately 3.14), so the surface area of the earth is s = 4 π × 6400? = 514457600 km? 2 (4 π 6400? 2 ≈ 5.144576 × 18) volume v = 4 / 3

Formula of volume and surface area of four prism

Volume = (1 / 3) × base area × height
Surface area = 4 × base perimeter × height + 2 × base area

What is r in the gold substitution formula of senior one physics In the calculation of satellites, does it also refer to the radius of the earth or the orbit radius of satellites?

The gold substitution is GMM / R ^ 2 = mg g, which refers to the gravitational acceleration on the surface of the central celestial body, so r refers to the radius of the central celestial body, not the surrounding radius. If the central celestial body is the earth, it means the radius of the earth

"The golden substitution of gravitation" R is the radius of the earth, h is the distance between the synchronous satellite and the earth, and G is the acceleration of the earth's gravity, Linear velocity of synchronous satellite: V = root sign (GM / R) = root sign (GR ^ 2 / (R + H)), in which the gold substitution formula is used. Then, this is a synchronous satellite. The synchronous satellite is far away from the earth, so the earth's gravity can not be regarded as universal gravity. Then, the gold substitution formula is derived by using gravity = universal gravitation when near the earth. Can't the gold substitution formula be used when it is close to the earth? So there is a contradiction. How to understand it? The formula mg = GMM / R ^ 2 can only be used when it is close to the planet, but the gold substitution transformed from it can ignore this condition, which is not very logical. I can't think of it

The gold substitution formula that can be used is derived from the relationship between the earth and its surface objects, that is: near the ground: F 10000 = mg, that is GMM / R ^ 2 = mg The mass of the earth, G Ground gravity acceleration, R The radius of the earth when you change: whether it's on earth