What is the root three times the root 12

What is the root three times the root 12

36 under the radical is 6

How much is the root of two plus three -pai+0.24

If we don't ask for the approximate value, the two formulas can't be combined because they are not the same kind of quadratic radical

How much is root 3 plus root 2 plus 1 times root 3 plus root 2 minus one? What is the square of root 3 plus root 2 plus 1?


Because the square plus 1 of 1 under the root is equal to the root 2 and 1 is less than the root 2 and less than 2, the integral part of the square plus 1 of the root 1 is 1 2 is equal to root 6 and 2 is less than root 6 and 6 is less than 3, so the integral part of square plus 2 of root 2 is 2. Because the square of 3 plus 3 is equal to root 12 and 3 is less than root 12 and less than 4, the integral part of square plus 3 of root 3 is 3. By analogy, we will find that the integral part of square plus N (n is a positive integer) under root 2 is n, please explain the reason

When n = 1: √ (1 ^ 2 + 1) = √ 2, and 1 < 2 < 2, so the integral part of √ (1 ^ 2 + 1) is 12. If n = k, the integral part of √ (k ^ 2 + k) is K.3, when n = k: √ [(K + 1) ^ 2 + (K + 1)] = √ (

What is the root 3 times 2 plus the root 27 minus one third of the root?

Root 3 times 2 plus root 27 minus one third of root
=2 roots 3 + 3 roots 3-1 / 3 roots 3
=14 / 3 root sign 3

How much is one third of the root sign after simplification

Numerator and denominator open root 1 / root 3 at the same time
The denominator and denominator are multiplied by a root sign 3
Then the denominator is 3, and the numerator is root 3
That is (radical 3) / 3

How much is 2 + 1 / 3 of the root sign + 3 of the root sign?

2 + 1 / 3 root sign + 3 root sign
=2 + 3 / 3 root 3 + root 3
=2 + 3 / 4 root sign 3
=3 (6 + 4 root sign 3)

What is 4 / 3 reduction equal to?

Original formula = √ 4 / √ 3

How much is 2 / 3 root sign - 4 times root sign 216 + 42 times root sign 1 / 6

Root number (2 / 3) = root number 6 / 3, root number 216 = 6 root number 6, 42 root number (1 / 6) = 7 root number 6,
Therefore, the original formula = (1 / 3-24 + 7) root sign 6 = - 50 / 3 root sign 6

What is the root number 3 * 2 and 3 roots equal to What number three should be equal to two
