The image of the function y = asin (Wx + FAI) W

The image of the function y = asin (Wx + FAI) W


It is known that distance S = asin (WT + a) a is amplitude W is frequency a is phase a w > 0 auxiliary formula v = s / T

The result is instantaneous velocity

Let the domain of F (x) = asin (ω x + φ) + B be r, period 2 π / 3, initial phase π / 6 and range [- 1,3], then the simplest form of the function analytic formula is

When the initial phase is π / 6, i.e. the period is 2 π / ω = 2 π / 3 ω = 3sin (ω x + φ) is equal to 1 and - 1 respectively, the maximum value is obtained when a + B = - 1 - A + B = 3or a + B = 3 - a + B = - 1, then a = - 2 b = 1 or a = 2 b = 1 is obtained

If y = 4cos ^ 4x + 4sin ^ 4x-3 is transformed into the form of y = asin (Wx + @), the result is?, when y < 0, the value range of X is? In the title @ for a Greek letter, sorry to learn shallow, will not type out... Please!

Y < 0 is
Homework help users 2016-12-09

Find the maximum and minimum value of the function y = 7-4sinxcosx + 4cos2x-4cos4x

Because the maximum value of function z = (U-1) 2 + 6 in [- 1, 1] is Zmax = (- 1-1) 2 + 6 = 10
The minimum value is Zmin = (1-1) 2 + 6 = 6
So when sin2x = - 1, y gets the maximum value of 10, and when sin2x = 1, y gets the minimum value of 6

Frequency calculation formula


Probability calculation formula Among the 12 pieces of chess pieces, 8 pieces of white pieces and 4 pieces of black pieces are surrounded by pieces. What is the probability of obtaining all white pieces? C (12,3) is the total number of 3 pieces taken from 12 pieces of go. The case that all three pieces are white pieces is C (8,3) ν probability C(8,3) P=——————=14/55 C(12,3) I have explained why the C (8,3) is, but I don't know how to calculate the final score?


What is the meaning of C in the probability formula

C is the combination number
The subscript indicates the total number of items, and the superscript indicates the selection
For example, cm (n) means to select the combination of m from n
The formula is n (n-1) (n-2) (n-m+1)/m!

On the calculation formula of probability In this topic, C(8,3) P = - = 14 / 55 how can it be 14 / 55 all of a sudden? Is it listed one by one? Is there any C (12,3) how to get the answer through the calculation between numbers. I don't understand how to get the answer. It's better not to use enumeration method, but to talk about it by calculation method. We haven't learned here yet. I just read grade three of junior high school. I haven't learned a lot of things. Please forgive me

C (8,3) = 8 * 7 * 6 / 3 * 2 * 1. The numerator of C (8,3) = 8 * 7 * 6 / 3 * 2 * 1C (n, m) = n (n-1) (n-2)... (n-m + 1) / M (m-1) (m-2)... 2 * 1... I don't know you

Seeking function expression It is known that the minimum positive period of the function f (x) = asinwx + bcoswx (where a, B, W are real constants and W > 0) is 2, and the maximum value of F (x) is 2 when x = 1 / 3 Why is asin (5 π / 6) + bcos (5 π / 6) = 0?

The minimum positive period is 2, and the maximum value of F (x) is 2 when x = 1 / 3. It is known that f (x) can be reduced to the form of 2Sin (pi * x + pi / 6). The expansion is a = radical 3, B = 1, w = pi (PI)