Mixed algorithm of rational numbers

Mixed algorithm of rational numbers

The mixed algorithm of rational numbers is basically the same as the "mixed algorithm of numbers" learned in primary school. That is: first square root, then multiplication and division, then addition and subtraction, and first calculation in brackets with brackets. Only in the mixed operation of addition and subtraction, the subtraction is unified into addition
If the line L passes through the fixed point a (- 2,3) and forms a triangle with two coordinate axes, and the area is 4, the equation of line L is obtained
Let the linear equation be XA + Yb = 1, ∵ the line L passes through the fixed point a (- 2,3), and the area of the triangle surrounding the two coordinate axes be 4, ∵ 2A + 3B = 112 | ab | = 4. The solution is a = - 43b = - 6 or a = 4B = 2, so the equation of the line L is x − 43 + y − 6 = 1 or X4 + y2 = 1, that is 9x + 2Y + 12 = 0, or x + 2y-4 = 0
Mixed operation of addition and subtraction of rational numbers
Multiplication and division
A times b equals C
A divided by B equals C
How to say the above in English?
a multiplied by b equal to c
Division division
a divided by b equal to c
a times b is/equal to c
b divide a is/equal to c
a by b is/equal to c
Add: plus / add
Minus: minus / subtract / take away
Multiple by... / times
Divide by
Add: plus / add
Minus: minus / subtract / take away
Multiple by... / times
Divide by
For example: 2 + 3 = 5 is 2 plus 3 equal to 5. / 2 add 3 equal to 5
10-1 = 9 is 10 minutes 1 equal to 9; 10 subtract 1 get 9; 1 is subtracted from 10, and equal to 9; 10 take away 1 is 9. Wait a minute
a*b=c: a times b equals c
a/b=c: a divided by b equals c
Point q is equidistant from point P1 (0,1), P2 (7,2) and x-axis, and the linear equation with slope of 1 is obtained through point Q
Make a straight line through the intersection of the lines l1:2x + y + 8 = 0 and L2: x + y + 3 = 0, so that the length of the line segment sandwiched between the two lines L3: x-y-5 = 0 and L4: x-y-2 = 0 is the root sign 5, and solve the linear equation
The point equidistant from the point P1 and P2 must be on the vertical bisector of the straight line p1p2. The equation of the vertical bisector of p1p2 can be obtained as y = - 7x + 26, which means that the coordinate with the point q is (x, - 7x + 26). At this time, the distance between the point Q and the X axis is - 7x + 26, and the distance between the point Q and the point P1 is the square of (x-0) plus (- 7x +...)
Mixed operation of rational numbers
(1) The sixth power of - 1 - (1-0.5) × one fifth × 3 and 3 / 4
(2) - 1 - (1-1 / 2) △ 3 × [2 - (- 3) square]
=Tip: the square shown is for (- 3).
Just say the answer. If the answer is different from what I did, I'll talk about it
(1) Original formula = 1-0.5 × 0.2 × 3.75 = 1-0.375 = 0.625
(2) The original formula = - 1-1 / 2 × 1 / 3 × (2-9) = 1-1 / 6 × (- 7) = 1 + 7 / 6 = 13 / 6
The "product" of multiplication is product in English. What about the "quotient" of division, the "sum" of addition and the "difference" of subtraction?
Quotient and sum difference
What is the equation for finding l when the area of the triangle formed by the line and the two coordinate axes in the first quadrant is 2 and the difference between the two intercepts is 3?
Let the intercept of the line on the X and Y axes be a and B respectively,
If a, B = 0-1243,
The solution is a = 1, B = 4 or a = 4, B = 1,
So the equation of line L is x / 4 + y = 1 or x + Y / 4 = 1,
It is reduced to x + 4y-4 = 0 or 4x + y-4 = 0
Let the intercept of the line on the X and Y axes be a and B respectively,
Then a > 0, b > 0, ab = 4, | A-B | = 3,
The solution is a = 1, B = 4 or a = 4, B = 1,
So the equation of line L is x / 4 + y = 1 or x + Y / 4 = 1,
It is reduced to x + 4y-4 = 0 or 4x + y-4 = 0.
Oral arithmetic in junior high school
Route 40 is in urgent need
1.(1+1/2)(1+1/3)(1+1/4).(1+1/100) 2.(1-1/2)(1-1/3)(1-1/4).(1-1/100) 3.8+2-8+2 4.25*4/25*4 5.7.26-(5.26-1.5) 6.286+198 7.314-202 8.526+301 9.223-99 10.6.25+3.85-2.125+3.875 11.9-2456*21 12.0.5/11.5-4*2...
1.1 times 1 is 1
2.2 times 2 is 4
Three times three is nine
4.4 times 4 is 16
5.5 times 5 is 25
6.6 times 6 is 36
7.7 times 7 is 49
8.8 times 8 is 64
9.81 times 9.81
10.1 times 10 makes 10
11.11 times 11 is 121
12.12 times 12 is 144
13.13 times 13 is 169
14.14 times 14 is 196
15... Unfold
1.1 times 1 is 1
2.2 times 2 is 4
Three times three is nine
4.4 times 4 is 16
5.5 times 5 is 25
6.6 times 6 is 36
7.7 times 7 is 49
8.8 times 8 is 64
9.9 times 9 is 81
10.1 times 10 makes 10
11.11 times 11 is 121
12.12 times 12 is 144
13.13 times 13 is 169
14.14 times 14 is 196
15.15 times 15 is 225
16.16 times 16 is 256
17.17 times 17 is 289
18.18 times 18 is 296
20 times 20 is 400
20.24 times 24 is 624
21.25 times 25 is 625
22.3 times 4 makes 12
23.3 times 5 is 15
24.4 times 5 is 20
25.6 times 5 is 30
26.8 times 5 is 40
27.5 times 9 is 45
28.6 times 9 is 54
29.7 times 8 is 65
Is that it? Put it away
How to express addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in English?
How to translate 5-3 = 2 into English
Five minus three equals two plus minus minus minus times divided