High school mathematics! Does hyperbola have a straight line?

High school mathematics! Does hyperbola have a straight line?

There are two cases,
If the hyperbolic equation is x ^ 2 / A ^ 2-y ^ 2 / b ^ 2 = 1, then its quasilinear is x = ± a ^ 2 / C
If the hyperbolic equation is y ^ 2 / A ^ 2-x ^ 2 / b ^ 2 = 1, then its quasilinear is y = ± a ^ 2 / C
If you have a hyperbola, you don't have a quasicollis,
The criterion line is x = ± A & sup2. / C, where the denominator C cannot be equal to 0, otherwise it is meaningless,
Because of this, the circle has no guide line
Yes, it is the same as ellipse in form.
If the eccentricity of hyperbola x2a2 − y2b2 = 1 and ellipse x2m2 + y2b2 = 1 (a > 0, M > b > 0) are reciprocal, then the triangle with a, B, m as side length is ()
A. Acute triangle B. obtuse triangle C. right triangle D. isosceles triangle
The eccentricity of hyperbola x2a2 − y2b2 = 1 and ellipse x2m2 + y2b2 = 1 (a > 0, M > b > 0) are reciprocal, so A2 + b2a2 · M2 − b2m2 = 1, so b2m2-a2b2-b4 = 0, that is M2 = A2 + B2, so the triangle with a, B, m as the side length is right triangle
Ellipse and hyperbola image problem
What are a, B, C, F1 and F2 in the elliptic and hyperbolic equations? What is their relationship? It's better to come to the image. I want to know which segment a is and which segment B is. It's more intuitive to find the image,
Ellipse A is the major axis, B is the minor axis, C is the focal length. A ^ 2 = B ^ 2 + C ^ 2
F1, F2 are the focus
Hyperbola a a is real axis, B is imaginary axis, C is focal length. C ^ 2 = a ^ 2 + B ^ 2
F1, F2 are the focus
Ask the great God to help me solve the elliptic and hyperbolic equations in detail a, B, C, F1, F2 are what? What's the relationship between them? I want to know which segment a is and which segment B is? For images, more intuitive, satisfactory bonus.
It's all parameters
Which line is the Quasilinear of ellipse and hyperbola?
I still can't understand it. I don't want to know its expression. What I want to know is how to define the Quasilinear of ellipse and hyperbola
2. Unified definition of this curve
The locus of a point in the plane whose ratio of distance to fixed point F to fixed line L is constant E
Here f is the focal point, l is the directrix, and E is the eccentricity
Both ellipse and hyperbola have two quasars corresponding to their respective focal points
If the image of the first-order function y = (M-3) x + m + 1 passes through the first, second and fourth quadrants, then the value range of M is______ .
∵ the image of the first-order function y = (M-3) x + m + 1 passes through the first, second and fourth quadrants, ∵ m − 3 < 0m + 1 > 0, and the solution is - 1 < m < 3
Given the equation of circle x2 + Y2 + KX + 2Y + K2 = 0 (k is a real number), if the fixed point a (1,2) is outside the circle, find the value range of K
If (1,2) is brought in so that the result is greater than 0, then the range of K is any real number
Then the equation is transformed into the standard form (x + K / 2) ^ 2 + (y + 1) ^ 2 = 1-3 / 4K ^ 2, and the right end of the equation should be greater than 0
Get the results
Judge (x ^ 2 + 3sinx sin / 4) '= 2x + 3cosx CoS / 4
Sin π / 4 is a constant and the derivative is 0
So it should be 2x + 3cosx
No, = 2x + 3cosx
Sin / 4 is a constant, 0
No, it should be 2x + 3cosx, sin / 4 is a constant, and the derivative of the constant is 0
(x ^ 2 + 3sinx sin / 4) '= 2x + 3cosx
Sin / 4 is a constant and the derivative of the constant is 0
If the image of linear function y = MX - (4m-4) passes through the first, second and third quadrants, try to find the value range of M
Because the image of the linear function y = MX - (4m-4) passes through the first and third quadrants,
So m > 0,
And through the second quadrant,
So - (4m-4) > 0,
So m
The slope of the solution is greater than 0-4m and the intercept is greater than 0-4m
Firstly, the image of the first-order function y = MX - (4m-4) passes through the first and third quadrants, so m > 0;
Secondly, the image passes through the second quadrant, so - (4m-4) > 0, M is obtained
The line y = KX + 1 and the hyperbola 3x (square) - Y (square) = 1 intersect at two points a and B. what is the value of K when two points a and B are on the same branch of the hyperbola(
Suppose a (x1, Y1) B (X2, Y2)
A. B two points are on the same branch,
Then x1x2 > 0, y1y2 > 0
K = 0, does not meet the requirements
Y = KX + 1 into hyperbola 3x (square) - Y (square) = 1
Discrimination > 0
The image of the function y = cos (x - π / 2) + sin (π / 3-x) is symmetric
Y = cos (x - π / 2) + sin (π / 3-x) = 3x / 2-sinx / 2 = sin (x + π / 3) SiNx is symmetric about x = k π + π / 2, so sin (x + π / 3) is symmetric about x + π / 3 = k π + π / 2, x = k π + π / 6) so y = cos (x - π / 2) + sin (π / 3-x) is symmetric about x = k π + π / 6