The numbers corresponding to two points a and B on the number axis are - 8 and 4. A and B move on the number axis at a certain speed The velocity of point a is 2 units per second (1) Find the distance of ab (2) Point a and point B start at the same time, face each other, meet at the origin, and find the velocity of point B (3) A and B start at the same time with the speed in (2) and move in the positive direction of the number axis. In a few seconds, the distance between them is 6 units of length?

The numbers corresponding to two points a and B on the number axis are - 8 and 4. A and B move on the number axis at a certain speed The velocity of point a is 2 units per second (1) Find the distance of ab (2) Point a and point B start at the same time, face each other, meet at the origin, and find the velocity of point B (3) A and B start at the same time with the speed in (2) and move in the positive direction of the number axis. In a few seconds, the distance between them is 6 units of length?

(1) The distance of AB = 4 - (- 8) = 4 + 8 = 12,
(2) Velocity of point B = 8 / (2 × 4) = 1 (unit / s)
(3) After x seconds, the distance between them is 6 units,
There are two situations,
A is on the left side of B, 4 + X - (2x-8) = 6, and the solution is x = 6
A is on the right side of B, 2x-8 - (4 + x) = 6, and the solution is x = 18
So, after 6 seconds or 18 seconds, they are 6 units apart
(2)t=8/2=4, v=S/t=4/4=1
If the velocity of two points is opposite to that of B in the direction of A-12, and the velocity of two points is opposite to that of B in the direction of A-12?
The position of rational number AB on the number axis is shown in the figure below, simplifying | a + B | - 2 | a-b|
| A+B| -2|A-B|=-(A+B)-2(B-A)=-A-B-2B+2A=A-3B
The known function f (x) = asinx * cosx - √ 3acos & sup2; X + √ 3 / 2A
When x belongs to [0, π / 2], the minimum value of F (x) is - √ 3. Find the sum of all the independent variables X in the interval [- π, π] when the function f (s) reaches the maximum value
F (x) = asinx * cosx - √ 3acos & # 178; X + √ 3 / 2A = a [(1 / 2) sin2x - (√ 3 / 2) cos2x] = asin (2x - π / 3) when x belongs to [0, π / 2], 2x - π / 3 belongs to [- π / 3,2 π / 3], so the minimum value is f (0) = a * (- √ 3 / 2) = - √ 3, a = 2, so f (x) = 2Sin (2x - π / 3) (1) minimum value f (s) = - √ 3, x =
Where COSM = A / √ (a ^ 2 + 3), sinm = √ 3 / √ (a ^ 2 + 3),
a> When 0, 0
If the function f (x) = a ^ 3x-x ^ 2-x + 1 is a decreasing function on (1,2], then the value range of real number a is
Using the method of separating parameters
If f (x) = ax ^ 3-x ^ 2-x + 1 is a decreasing function on (1,2], then f '(x) = 3ax ^ 2-2x-1 ≤ 0 is constant on (1,2], that is, 3ax ^ 2-2x-1 ≤ 0 is constant on (1,2], that is, 3ax ^ 2 ≤ 2x + 1 is constant on (1,2], that is, 3a ≤ 2 / x + 1 / x ^ 2 is constant on (1,2], that is, 3a ≤ (1 / x + 1) ^ 2-1 is constant on (1,2]
Given function f (x) = asinx * cosx - √ 3cos square x + √ 3 / 2A + B (a is greater than 0)
Given the monotone decreasing interval of the function f (x) = asinx * cosx - √ 3cos square x + √ 3 / 2A + B (a is greater than 0), let x belong to the closed interval from 0 to π / 2, the minimum value of F (x) is - 2, and the maximum value is √ 3 to find the real number ab
Is there a missing a
It is proved that the function f (x) = 2x ^ 3 + 3x ^ 2-12x + 1 is a decreasing function in the interval (- 2,1)
Let x, y ∈ (- 2,1), let x > y. then f (x1) - f (y) = 2 (x ^ 3-y ^ 3) + 3 (x ^ 2-y ^ 2) - 12 (X-Y) = 2 (x ^ 3-y ^ 3) + [3 (x + y) + 12] (X-Y) because x > y, and X, y ∈ (- 2,1), the above formula is constant negative, that is, f (x) y. the monotone decreasing is proved by the definition
If we know that the function y = the square of cosx + the square of asinx-a + 2A + 5 has the maximum stop two, we can find a
Y = (cosx) ^ 2 + asinx-a ^ 2 + 2A + 5 = 1 - (SiNx) ^ 2 + asinx-a ^ 2 + 2A + 5 = (sinx-a / 2) ^ 2-3a ^ 2 / 4 + 2A + 61) - 2 ≤ a ≤ 2, - 3A ^ 2 / 4 + 2A + 6 = 23a ^ 2-8a-16 = 0 (3a + 4) (A-4) = 0a1 = - 4 / 3, A2 = 4 (rounding) 2) a > 2, SiNx = 1 has the maximum value of 0 + A-A ^ 2 + 2A + 5 = 2A ^ 2-3a-3 = 0a1 = (...)
If the image of the quadratic function y = - x2 + MX-1 has two different intersections with the line AB whose two ends are a (0,3), B (3,0), then the value range of M is______ .
It is known that the equation of line segment AB is y = - x + 3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 3). Because there are two different intersections between quadratic function image and line segment AB, the equations y = − x2 + MX − 1y = − x + 3, 0 ≤ x ≤ 3 have two different real solutions. The elimination result is: X2 - (M + 1) x + 4 = 0 (0 ≤ x ≤ 3), Let f (x) = X2 - (M + 1) x +
Let f (x) = cosx, cos (PAI, 6-x), then f (1 degree) + F (2 degree) + +The value of F (60 degrees) is equal to
I hope as soon as possible,
It belongs to [2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
Any meeting will do,
For example, f (1 degree) = cos1 / 29, f (59 degree) = cos59 / - 29F (1 degree) + F (59 degree) = (cos1 + cos59) / cos29cos1 + cos59 = cos (30-29) + cos (30 + 29) = 2cos30cos29, which is equal to 2cos30 = radical 3, the same as 2 degrees and 58 degrees, 3 degrees and 57 degrees