It is known that the two zeros of quadratic function y = ax & sup2; + X + 1 are x1, X2 and X1 respectively

It is known that the two zeros of quadratic function y = ax & sup2; + X + 1 are x1, X2 and X1 respectively

Are you sure there is no problem with this topic?
(1) When a = - 1 is, the function is determined, then the two zeros X1 and X2 are also determined, which is equivalent to solving the equation y = 0 to obtain X1 and x2
(2) When a = 0, the function is a straight line, y = x + 1
The problem of zero point of quadratic function f (x) = A & # 178; X & # 178; + AX-2 has zero point on [- 1,1], the range of value of a is very fast, and it is online
When f (- 1) * f (1) & gt; = 0, the solution is 1 & lt; = A & lt; = 2, - 2 & lt; = A & lt; = 1. When a & # 178; - 4A & # 178; * (- 2) & gt; = 0, the solution a belongs to infinity, f (- 1) * f (1) & gt; = 0, the solution is - 1 & lt; = A & lt; = 1, a & gt; = 2, a & lt; = - 2
The value range of a is discussed, and then f (-) * f (1) is different
Note that the problem of several zeros in the range is whether the discriminant is greater than or equal to 0 or greater than zero. Question: F (- 1) is not necessarily different from F (1), but the opening of the parabola must be upward. You can draw a picture in your heart
The maximum value of quadratic function y = ax & # 178; + 2aX + 1 on [- 3,2] is 4,
Find the value of a, right?
(1) If a = 0, f (x) = 1
(2) If a > 0, then f (x) max = f (2) = 8A + 1
From 8A + 1 = 4, a = 3 / 8
(3) If a
What is the number of real number solutions of equation 2 / x + X & # 178; = 3?
The solution of the equations {ax + by = 4 2ax-3by = - 2 of X and Y is {x = 1 / 2, y = - 1, and the values of a and B are obtained
The solution of the equations {ax + by = 4 2ax-3by = - 2 of X and Y is {x = 1 / 2, y = - 1,
Subtraction: B = - 2, a = 4
How many real number solutions to equation 2 ^ - x + x ^ 2 = 3?
I know it's a combination of numbers and shapes, but why is their intersection 3?
ha-ha. brother. You are so sweet.
It's not like that.
Is the - x power of 2 + the square of x = 3
I want to know why the intersection of the - x power of 2 and the square of X is the real solution of this function?
It can be seen that the common y = 2 ^ (- x) and y = 3-x ^ 2 of the two equations are the above equations, and the common solution of the two equations is the intersection of the corresponding functions
Two intersections
Huh? Wait a minute. LZ, 2 ^ - x refers to 1 / (2 ^ x). This is a quadratic equation. You should type it wrong. The title should be 2 / x = - x ^ 2 + 3. If you draw their intersection points, you will get the value. Although it is not accurate, you can still find the number of roots
But this equation is too inappropriate.
Change the original equation to x ^ 3-3x + 2 = 0
Factorization x ^ 3-3x + 2
=X ^ 2 (x-1) + (X-2) (... Expansion)
Huh? Wait a minute. LZ, 2 ^ - x refers to 1 / (2 ^ x). This is a quadratic equation. You should type it wrong. The title should be 2 / x = - x ^ 2 + 3. If you draw their intersection points, you will get the value. Although it is not accurate, you can still find the number of roots
But this equation is too inappropriate.
Change the original equation to x ^ 3-3x + 2 = 0
Factorization x ^ 3-3x + 2
... two intersections..... Put it away
It is known that the solution of the binary linear equations ax + 3By + C = 0 2ax-by-5c about X and Y is x = 1, y = 2, and the value of a: B: C is obtained
Thank you!
Is the title wrong? The second equation is one less = 0?
Substituting x = 1, y = 2 into the equation:
a+6b+c=0 2a-2b-5c=0
According to the above two equations:
Then a: B: C = 1:4 / 3: - 1 / 4
Multiply the first equation left and right by 5
Subtract the second formula
have to
Let's substitute x = 1, y = 2
Multiply the first formula by two
Subtract the second formula
have to
Substituting y = 2
All in all
What is the title?
The number of real number solutions of equation 2x = x + 2 is______ Of them;
The graph of function y = 2x and function y = x + 2 is shown in the figure below: from the graph of function, we can get that the graph of function y = 2x and function y = x + 2 has two intersections, that is, function f (x) = 2x - (x + 2) has two zeros, that is, equation 2x = x + 2 has two real number solutions, so the answer is: 2
It is known that the solution of binary linear equations ax + 3By = C, 2aX by = 5C is: x = 1, y = 2, find the value of a: B: C
Substituting x = 1, y = 2 into ax + 3By = C, 2aX by = 5C
a+6b=c m
2a-2b=5c n
Formula n times formula 3 + M
7a=16c a=16c/7
a+6b=c a/c+6b/c=1
2a-2b=5c 2a/c-2b/c=5
a+6b=c (1)
2a-2b=5c (2)
(2) The results show that (1) B-1
(2) The results show that the ratio of B to B is 0-323a-1
Because a + 6B = C, 2a-2b = 5C, so ① A / C + 6B / C = 1, ② 2A / c-2b / C = 5,3 * ② + ① get: 7a / C = 16, a / C = 16 / 7, substitute into ①, 16 / 7 + 6B / C = 1, get B / C = - 3 / 14, so a: B: C = 32: - 3:14
The number of real number solutions of the equation | X & # 178; - 6x + 8 | = a is discussed
I've been doing this problem wrong all the time. I've analyzed all kinds of situations, but I'm always half right and half wrong. I hope netizens can give me the correct process and answer
The answer is as follows: when the A0 is: X \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\theequation √ (1 + a) has
Draw the image of F (x) = | X & # 178; - 6x + 8 |