If the meaning of the symbol "*" is a * b = ab of a + B, find the value of 2 * (- 3)

If the meaning of the symbol "*" is a * b = ab of a + B, find the value of 2 * (- 3)


We have explored and obtained the rule of multiplication of product. Please compare the derivation process of rule and the rule of power of derivation quotient

I don't understand. Can you elaborate?

Using the sign rule of the power of multiplication, the sign of the nth power of a can be judged in three cases: a > 0, a = 0, a < 0 (where a is a rational number and N is a positive integer)

1) A is not equal to 0, B is arbitrary, x = B divided by A
2) A = 0, B = 0, infinite solutions
3) A is not equal to 0, B is not equal to 0, there is no solution

What are the similarities and differences between the division rule and the multiplication rule? Is the determination of quotient sign the same as multiplication?

Division is the same as multiplication except that divisor cannot be 0

The addition and subtraction algorithm of power Be accurate. You can use letters

A ^ (B / C) = a ^ B under the root of C

A simple method to calculate the multiplication rule of product How to find a rule, for example, the fifth power of two times the fifth power of five


How to determine the sign of power operation

Even degree non negative, odd degree non positive

What is the power symbol in C? Is there an operator for it?

There is no operator
It can only be implemented with math class functions:
Math.Pow (base, index)
I think it's very strange, so simple operation, why do C ා use classes to implement

Sign rule of multiplication

1. Commutative law of multiplication: ab = ba
2. The distributive law of multiplication: a × (B + C) = AB + AC a × (B-C) = AB AC
3. The associative law of multiplication: (a × b) × C = a × (B × C) a × B × C = (a × b) × C

What is the algorithm of rational multiplication

Represents the operation of finding the product of several identical factors
For example, the square of 2 = 2 * 2 = 4
The square of 3 = 3 * 3 = 9
Note: any power of a positive number is a positive number. An odd power of a negative number is a negative number, an even power is a positive number. Any power of 0 is 0