What is the physical meaning of f1l1 = f2l2? Can you say better

What is the physical meaning of f1l1 = f2l2? Can you say better

This is the leverage condition
Power * power arm = resistance * resistance arm
F1 L1 =F2 L2
The dynamic resistance, the dynamic arm and the resistance arm are relative
Lever balance condition: f1l1 = f2l2
The balance condition of lever is f1l1 = f2l2, how to deform this mathematical expression
The balance condition of lever is: the product of power arm length and power is equal to the product of resistance arm length and resistance, and the mathematical expression is: f1l1 = f2l2
The lever balance condition is f1l1 = f2l2, that is, power multiplied by power arm = resistance multiplied by resistance arm
So how to find F1? F2? I remember the formula, but I forgot to write it down
Divide L1 to F1 on the right
F2 divides L2 to the left
No need to recite
In the condition of leverage balance, what is the unit of "L" in f1l1 = f2l2?
If f is kg, is l cm?
It should be meters. It's the same on both sides of the equal sign
As long as both sides of the equal sign are the same, 0 is generally considered to be m
It's a unit of length,
From the condition of leverage balance f1l1 = f2l2, we can see that it is not only the force that affects the leverage balance, nor is it just -- but -- and -- so we should make better use of leverage
From the lever balance condition f1l1 = f2l2, it can be seen that the influence of lever balance is not only the force, nor the arm of force, but the product of force and arm of force
What is the equilibrium condition of lever and what is the mathematical expression?
The lever is in balance when it is at rest or in uniform motion
The balance condition of lever is: the product of power arm length and power is equal to the product of resistance arm length and resistance
The mathematical expression is: f1l1 = f2l2
In fact, it is more accurate that the closing torque is 0
How to use leverage balance formula
You're asking about the usage of the lever balance formula, right? The lever balance formula mainly analyzes two things, one is the magnitude of the force, and the other is the magnitude of the torque. The principle of lever balance, that is, F1 * S1 = F2 * S2, that is, if the lever is balanced, the result will not change. Generally, the problem will give the corresponding diagram, do the force analysis, and the torque analysis, Can solve out. Hope to be able to help you!
The balance condition of leverage is that there is a formula for it
1. Definition: when using a lever, if the lever is stationary or rotates uniformly around the fulcrum, then the lever is in a state of equilibrium;
2. Lever balance condition: power arm x power = resistance arm x resistance, that is, l1f1 = l2f2, or F2 / F1 = L1 / L2
Leverage balance condition, expressed as -------- or--------
F1l1 = f2l2 power * power arm = resistance * resistance arm
F1 / F2 = L2 / L1 the force is inversely proportional to the arm
The condition of lever balance is expressed as follows:_____ This equilibrium condition is also called_____ .
Mainly the second empty
F1l1 = f2l2; lever principle