在空格內填入適當字母,使每一橫行構成一個單詞,再把適當的單詞依次填入句中空白處% 1.e()()()() 2.()e()()() 3.()()e()() 4.()()()e() 5.()()()()e() 1.Can you get to the music room at()o clock? 2.The students()their lesson at half past eight in the morning. 3.This T-shirt is expensive,that one is(). 4.I()have lunch at home .I like eating outside. 5.Don not()to close the door.

在空格內填入適當字母,使每一橫行構成一個單詞,再把適當的單詞依次填入句中空白處% 1.e()()()() 2.()e()()() 3.()()e()() 4.()()()e() 5.()()()()e() 1.Can you get to the music room at()o clock? 2.The students()their lesson at half past eight in the morning. 3.This T-shirt is expensive,that one is(). 4.I()have lunch at home .I like eating outside. 5.Don not()to close the door.

1.e(i)(g)(h)(t)2.(b)e(g)(i)(n)3.(c)(h)e(a)(p)4.(n)(e)(v)e(r)5.(f)(o)(r)(g)e(t)1.Can you get to the music room at(eight)o'clock?2.The students(begin)their lesson at half past eight in the morning.3…