英語翻譯 1.只有你在晚會上守規矩,你才會得到別人的歡迎(only倒裝句,behave oneself,be popular with)2.那位狠心的母親所做的事情就是讓那個男孩在雨中哭了兩個小時(what is that,leave sb doing)3.Jane Goodall深信的就是研究黑猩猩是很有價值的(what is that,it's worthwhile doing)4.母親希望我做的事情就是儘快弄明白黑猩猩的社會系統(what is that,expect sb to do,as soon as possible,work out)5.jane所關心的就是如何保護野生動植物(what is how,concern oneself with)

英語翻譯 1.只有你在晚會上守規矩,你才會得到別人的歡迎(only倒裝句,behave oneself,be popular with)2.那位狠心的母親所做的事情就是讓那個男孩在雨中哭了兩個小時(what is that,leave sb doing)3.Jane Goodall深信的就是研究黑猩猩是很有價值的(what is that,it's worthwhile doing)4.母親希望我做的事情就是儘快弄明白黑猩猩的社會系統(what is that,expect sb to do,as soon as possible,work out)5.jane所關心的就是如何保護野生動植物(what is how,concern oneself with)

1.Only by behaving yourself in the evening can you be popular with others.
2.What the cruel mother did was that she left that boy crying in the rain for two hours.
3.What Jane Goodall is deeply convinced is that it's worthwhile studying chimpanzee.
4.What mother expect sme to do is to work out the social system of chimpanzees as soon as possible.
5.What Jane concerns herself with is how to protect wild animals and plants.