請用英語翻譯下則日記 9月27日星期五晴 今天是週末,又是中國傳統節日——中秋節,而下週一就是國慶日,這兩個節日如此靠近,使大家有一個4天的假期,人們都非常高興. 下午,叔叔、姑姑都帶著孩子來看奶奶,買了月餅、水果和其他禮物,爸爸、媽媽做了很多好吃的菜. 晚飯後,大家望著空中的一輪明月,談論著幾年來家鄉發生的巨大變化和祖國美好未來.

請用英語翻譯下則日記 9月27日星期五晴 今天是週末,又是中國傳統節日——中秋節,而下週一就是國慶日,這兩個節日如此靠近,使大家有一個4天的假期,人們都非常高興. 下午,叔叔、姑姑都帶著孩子來看奶奶,買了月餅、水果和其他禮物,爸爸、媽媽做了很多好吃的菜. 晚飯後,大家望著空中的一輪明月,談論著幾年來家鄉發生的巨大變化和祖國美好未來.

September 27,Friday,Sunny
It was weekendagain.Andit was Chinese traditional festival- Mid-autumnFestival.Itwill be National Day nextMonday.Thetwo festivals are so close that people will have a four-day holiday and people are very happy.
My uncles,aunts came to see my grandmother with their children in theafternoon.Theybought mooncakes,fruit and otherpresents.Myfather and mother cooked lots of delicious dishes.
After dinner,we watched the full and bright moon in the sky talking the great changes of our hometown recently and the beatiful future of our country.