pair後面跟單數還是複數? pair後直接加名詞怎麼辦

pair後面跟單數還是複數? pair後直接加名詞怎麼辦

pair自身可以是單數或者複數.但是pair of後面的名詞必是複數:a pair of shoes.
就是一把鉗子也是:a pair of pliers;
一條黑褲子:a pair of black trousers.
Pair Card Game
The system is modeled by the Hartree-Fock description of a pair electron interaction.
The player places a base pair card from his hand into the sequence.
In case when a winning combination or a pair cards are drawn,these cards will be held automatically.
Lone pair electrons have a stronger repulsion than bonding pair electrons.