so that和such that分開,不分是什麼用法 分別引導什麼從句

so that和such that分開,不分是什麼用法 分別引導什麼從句

不分開的話是這樣:so…that…句型中的so是副詞,常常用來修飾形容詞或副詞,常用句型為:主語+謂語+so+adj./ adv.+ that從句.例如:he is so young that she can't look after herself.
在“such…that…”句型中,such修飾名詞,意思也是“如此……以致於……”但當名詞前有many、much、(a)few、(a)little等詞修飾時,句子中要用“so…that…”而不能用“such…that…”.例如:He has so much money that he can buy what he wanted.
so與that也可連起來寫,即變成:…so that…(以便/為了……),引導目的狀語從句.例如:
1.I got up early so that I could catch the early bus.
2.Please open the window so that we can breathe fresh air.