英語:If you dream of becoming a spaceman when you g____up,get started now!A spaceman n_____a strong body and keen mind .You still have a long way to g_____.Do you know what Shenzhou VI spaceman are able to do?Shenzhou VI spaceman are able to l______upside down .They do this not just during s______,but also when eating and going to thetoilet.Beforef____into space,they had lots of p____.Echn upside-down training l____for manydays.Theyalso have to know every part of the spaceship and how it w_____.If something g____wrong,they must know how to repair it. 1、ABCD和APQR都是平行四邊形,P、Q、R分別在AB、AC、AD上,AP=2QC,S四邊形ABCD=36,則S四邊形APQR= A20 B24 C16 D18 2、已知a:b=c:d,則a²;+c²;和b²;+d²;的比例中項是 A、ac+bd B、ad+bc C、ad+cb D、ad+cd

英語:If you dream of becoming a spaceman when you g____up,get started now!A spaceman n_____a strong body and keen mind .You still have a long way to g_____.Do you know what Shenzhou VI spaceman are able to do?Shenzhou VI spaceman are able to l______upside down .They do this not just during s______,but also when eating and going to thetoilet.Beforef____into space,they had lots of p____.Echn upside-down training l____for manydays.Theyalso have to know every part of the spaceship and how it w_____.If something g____wrong,they must know how to repair it. 1、ABCD和APQR都是平行四邊形,P、Q、R分別在AB、AC、AD上,AP=2QC,S四邊形ABCD=36,則S四邊形APQR= A20 B24 C16 D18 2、已知a:b=c:d,則a²;+c²;和b²;+d²;的比例中項是 A、ac+bd B、ad+bc C、ad+cb D、ad+cd

If you dream of becoming a spaceman after you grow up,get started now!A spaceman needs a strong body andmind.Seehere what ShenzhouⅥspacemen are able to do .Don’t you have a long way to go?Shen…