英語翻譯 smiling微笑 I think smiling is as important assunshine.Itcan make people happy and have a goodday.youcan smile when you are unhappy.I always say,“Please smile as you do when you play with your friends or stay with you family.” 我認為微笑是一樣重要的象陽光.它可以使人快樂,有個美好的一天.你可以在你不開心的笑.我總是說,“請你微笑時,你和你的朋友玩或者和你的家人在一起.“ Smiling can let you have morefriends.SoI say,smiling is like aflower.Itwill give you happiness. 微笑可以讓你有更多的朋友.所以我說,面帶微笑,就像一朵花.它會給你幸福. 大哥是英語翻譯成中文讀中文讀出來不是這樣翻譯

英語翻譯 smiling微笑 I think smiling is as important assunshine.Itcan make people happy and have a goodday.youcan smile when you are unhappy.I always say,“Please smile as you do when you play with your friends or stay with you family.” 我認為微笑是一樣重要的象陽光.它可以使人快樂,有個美好的一天.你可以在你不開心的笑.我總是說,“請你微笑時,你和你的朋友玩或者和你的家人在一起.“ Smiling can let you have morefriends.SoI say,smiling is like aflower.Itwill give you happiness. 微笑可以讓你有更多的朋友.所以我說,面帶微笑,就像一朵花.它會給你幸福. 大哥是英語翻譯成中文讀中文讀出來不是這樣翻譯

smiling微笑I think smiling is as important as sunshine.我認為微笑和陽光同樣重要It can make people happy and have a good day.它可以使人感到快樂並且擁有快樂(美好)的一天you can smile when you are unhap…

如題.這句話後面是接“Everything is changable,except my heart(什麼都會變,但我心永恒)”.

don't be influenced by anyone,just live your own life.