I drink a glass of milk every day對a glass of提問 my father will go home after two days對after two days提問 I want to buy some presents different from Amy's對Amy's提問 In the middle of this month,we have a English speech contest during the English festival,對In the middle of this month提問

I drink a glass of milk every day對a glass of提問 my father will go home after two days對after two days提問 I want to buy some presents different from Amy's對Amy's提問 In the middle of this month,we have a English speech contest during the English festival,對In the middle of this month提問

How much milk do you drink every day?
How soon will your father go home?
Whose present do you want to buy some presents different from?

I' like ____(have)a glass of milk.

是不是I'd like?如果是的話就是to have.

I want a glass of milk.對a glass of milk提問

How much milk do you want?

I drink a glass of milk in breakfast.


would you like milk or coffee?_______.l'd just like a cup of tea.A.either B.neither
C.both D.all


Would you like to have a cup of coffee?(保持原句意思)
___you ___to have cup of coffee?

Do you want to have a cup of coffe?

would you like to have a cup of black coffee
(would you like to)have a cup of black coffee
A.will you please
B.do you want to
C.do you like to
D.are you good at

would like表示“想要”,是一種較委婉禮貌的說法
would like+to do,意為“想做……”.例如:
She’d like to go there alone.
We’d like to see our teacher in hospital this Sunday.

would you like a____cup of coffee No,thanks.


would you like a cup of coffee,_____後接,選擇那個?
shall we get to business right away請大蝦指點
A.and B.then C.or D.of


Would you like a cup of coffee?No,_____.
A、I won'd B、I don't C、thank you
