以how to make a good impression為題的英語演講稿

以how to make a good impression為題的英語演講稿

Whether in the individual business or advertising business,the first impression is veryimportant.Nomatter how long you have know others,“first”only exists one time,and that time will never change,e…

“以How to Keep You Healthy為題的英語作文”
請以h“ow to keep you healthy為題寫篇英語作文”急用.

Do you want a strong body?Let me tell you how todo.Youshould eat lots of fruit and vegetables,and drink lots of boiledwater.Youshould do exercise .You should sleep at least eight in the evening,to…

how to make you healthy



有兩種變法My father bought me a book.---I was bought a book by my father.(把間接賓語提前)--- A book was bought for me by my father.(把直接賓語提前,注意在間接賓語前添加相應的介詞for/to,buy用for)…

Wu Dong runs fastest in his class.(同義句轉換)
Wu Dong _____ _____ _____ _____ _____student in his class.

Wu Dong(runs)(faster)(than)(any)(other)student in his class

1. I visited my teacher yesterday.(就劃線部分提問)
______ _____you _______yesterday?
2. Her trip to Shanghai was exciting.(就劃線部分提問)
_______ ______her trip to Shanghai?
3. Lucy did her homework last night.(改為否定句)Lucy ________ _____her homework last night.
4.It’s time for dinner.(同義句轉換)
It’s time ______ _____dinner.
5.We spend an hour on sports every day.(同義句轉換)We spend an hour ________sports every day.

1 Who did visit
2 How was
3 didn't do
4 to have
5 doing

Dinosaurs all disappeared on the earth because of diseases
Dinosaurs all died _______diseases
A off B of

應該是of,一般是die of和die from使用,是死於.
die off -相繼死去;先後死去

1.Get up,or you will be late for school.
____you ____get up,you'll____late for school.
2.Tom didn't go out until he finshed his homework.
Tom ____at home ____he finished his homework.
3.My sister is not as old as Kate.
My sister is ____ ____Kate is.
4.Study hard,and you'll pass the exam easily.
____ ____study hard,you'll pass the exam easily.

1.Get up,or you will be late for school.
If you don't get up,you'll be late for school.
2.Tom didn't go out until he finshed his homework.
Tom stayed at home until he finished his homework.
3.My sister is not as old as Kate.
My sister is younger than Kate is.
4.Study hard,and you'll pass the exam easily.
If you study hard,you'll pass the exam easily.


there be句型,not only…but also不但……而且,either…or不是……就是……,要麼……要麼……,neither…nor既不……也不…….國中所學的就基本這些是就近原則.
跟第一主語的我知道的是with,如:He with I goes to People's park every day.


I like listening to the radio very much,because it can make mehappy.WhenI get angry with the other people or feel unhappy,I usually want to listen to the radio.I like listening to the music and I hate listening to the news.I think the music sounds beautiful and the news areboring.Myfavourite programme is 1068 night-line.It’s a talk show and it’s about the music as well as thestories.SoI like it very much.
I like listening to music and news reports on radio,but I hate listening to advertisements,because they are boring.I listen to news report at seven o’clock everyday,and I sometimes listen to music at ten o’clock.Myparents also like listening to newsreports.Thenewsreaders’voices are very nice.I hope to become a newsreader when I grow up.